NSX revs to idea... Help..

2 August 2013
Dear NSX owners and experts,

I've been having my NSX for almost a year. Bought it from Chicago and shipped all the way to my home country Bahrain in the Arabian Gulf.

Today, the check engine light came on and the RPM drops down too low that it almost shuts down the engine.

Unfortunately, our Honda dealer don't want to touch the car, as they are not familiar with it. There are only two NSX's in my country.. Mine which is 2004, and another 1992 in red which is hidden in some garage I don't know about..

Here is a YouTube link of how the RPM acts..


Will appreciate the advice, as will be flying to San Francisco on 30 October for only aweek, and I would get the necessary parts when I'm there in needed.

Your expert advice and attention is highly appreciated..

Sincerely yours

Kingdom of Bahrain
You need to read the code(s) that triggered the check-engine light with an OBD2 code reader. That will provide a lot more information for people to help you.
If the filters really, really clogged causing this you could just pull it out completely and see if it gets better. 20 Min job and you can know for sure. FWIW: My car will idle and rev fine with no filter in at all. Yours should too.
my obd2 96 never threw a cell due to the dreaded rpm drop near stall...you may have something else going on..pull the codes....you can easily check them with any obd-2 reader.