The answer is no. The Registry was in a subsection of the Wiki and the Wiki has been locked down by the site owner following a site software change a number of years ago. The Registry started as a way to collect 'public sightings' of NSX sales, salvages, etc to help protect potential buyers but it was too onerous to update. However, a Google search on the VIN captures is nearly as good. Maybe of those hits end up coming back to Prime discussion threads anyway. There's also a fairly active salvage thread. Lud also started an autocapture mechanism for some of the eBay sightings. The other problem was that some people were adamant that they didn't want their VIN on a public site for security/theft reasons so even though we kept it optional and only added publicly available info, not a lot volunteered their VINs. However, independently of the Registry, there has been a lot of work done by a few individuals to try to figure out how many VINs are still out there and roughly where they are by state. On one of the early Registry pages, it also has a table which is an attempt to document how many of each type (auto vs manual; ext. color; int color) were made by year. Honda sales figures were often summarized by calendar year as opposed to model year so the number are open to some interpretation but they're the best we have.