I am hosting a few movies of track events on my website if you care to visit.
As another european I vote for spun :biggrin:martin said:where a certain member here on Prime spin(span?)
NSX-Racer said:As another european I vote for spun :biggrin:
CKS Papa,CKS Papa said:Frank,
I was just checking out your site and saw your dad's name on deep impact.
Pretty cool that it launched on the 12th of this month. The place I work for has inertial units on the main craft and the probe. Congrats!
Yeah, Bill Zachar keeps kicking my butt in his silver one also...I am getting used to it. Of course, boost and brembos dont hurt either...I have neither.martin said:Hi
Nice videos. The one with your 360 reminded me of my last track event here in Norway where a certain member here on Prime spin(span?) right in front of me.:smile:
He also had a black NSX.. I think the black NSX's lacks in the supension department compared to my Sebring Silver:biggrin:
velo-ct said:Ken,
Ditto, thanks for taking the initiative to introduce yourself.
Yes that is the event I mentioned, Myself and Chad Burgueno and probably Bill Zachar will be running that weekend. I am thinking about running only one day that weekend like saturday but will let you know if we decide on friday instead. You can sign up right on thier website, it is only $40/year plus about $130/day. If you sign up early or do multiple days there are some discounts. If you already have some track experience you document you can probably skip the school session and go right into the advanced street (green) group with us. Just email them or call. Michelle at registration may ask me to ride along as instructor just for a check-out run.
My wife and I were just out in fontana for the JGTC event were you there also?
BTW, Its not cheating if it keeps you ahead of the next guy! I have some more movies of the main track that are not on my website if you want to preview the track I can email or burn you a dvd-just ask. Personal email link is on my website.
Andrie Hartanto said:Ken,
IIRC you have some overheating problem on hot weather. Maybe it is time to upgrade the radiator to aluminum ones? I've been using aluminum radiator on my race cars and it has been very good.
Ken,2slow2speed said:Hi Frank,
Thanks for the offer on the track video/DVD, I recall seeing a video of Firebird somewhere in the NSXPrime Gallery archives, so I'll check that out, and go from there. BTW: What kind of laptimes are respectable for the Main track? I've only been on the track that is used by the Bondurant school. It would also be good to know what is the length of the longest straight (or top speed of the section of the track that you can go WOT the longest on a NA NSX). Still deciding which wing to bring, the Type-R or the Big Ass with lots of downforce. It will be a long trip for the NSX so I'll be running with street tires for the event and see how they work out. (Gotta see if SOS has any more go-fast parts that I can get installed on the car while the car is down in AZ, hehe, Chris are you reading this)
I talked to the organizers for the event on Friday, they are *determined* to make me go through the orientation sessions although I mentioned to them that I have 90+ track days on the NSX plus have graduated from 2 racing schools, they want to introduce the new members to their club rules/polices/spirit so that's ok with me as long as I get to have my track time, and the special introductory rates are really *dirt cheap* too. Don't mind sitting and getting a refresher course, according to them I should be able to run either one of the run groups so I'll see if that happens.
Currently planning to run Friday and possibly a couple of sessions on Saturday morning, another NSX owner (KenjiMR) from the Bay Area will be tagging along for the weekend, so can't spend all the time at the track either (Hmm.. maybe Andrie can drive my NSX on Saturday afternoon, so that he can get some seat time too, hehe.)
Yep, I was down in Fontana for the JGTC event
I ran CA Speedway on Friday with SV, sadly only 3 other NSXs showed up for the event, Doug (pulpstoryteller) with his flamemobile, Ryan (ryneen) with his silver NSX on VictorRacers who was chasing down a 993 TT who was runnig with slicks and Ryan was keeping up
, and another guy with a red NSX with a big spoiler too who I did not get to say hi.
I figured that some of the NSX owners who travelled for the JGTC event would track their cars so that they would get a first hand experience on how much of a pucker factor the high banked NASCAR turn was like, (Now I appreciate the b*lls that those guys have going WOT through those turns). The back section of the track with the sharp turns near the stands was also a real pain to deal with, made me appreciate much more the kind of braking and cornering capabilities of those JGTC cars, they were driven through that section like if they were go-karts
See you at the track
2slow2speed said:Hi Andrie,
Yep, it's on the to do list, the first week of Feb should still be ok down in AZ, so I'm not planning on changing the radiator (unless SOS happens to have one handy that they can replace while the car is down there a couple of days prior to the track event).
I'm planning to do 2 days, Friday and Saturday, but Kenji will be dropping by for the weekend, so can't spend all day on the track Saturday, we can share track time on Saturday if you are interested, drop me an email. Fares down to AZ are about $138.00 Southwest round trip with 3 week advance purchases. (So I think that you still have time..)
FYI,NsXMas said:Sorry I missed you guys in Chandler this weekend... Sounds like fun.