NSX Prime Canyon Drive!

13 September 2000
Encino, CA
Just wanted to thank John Richards & Craig Kircher for organizing a fantastic event!

Nice driving routes (but a thousand lashings to the darn pickup truck driver who chose to drive well UNDER the speed limit and not pull over and let us pass!) Well, I guess the slow traffic "kept us safe"..

The best part was of course the friendly group of NSX'ers that showed up. Had a great time meeting new people and checking out some beautiful cars with a variety of modifications.

Since I had to leave after everyone got off the 101 freeway... How did the rest of the event go?.. How was the drive through the Santa Monica mountains, dinner, etc?

I hope we can get another event like this going in the not-too-distant future.

Thanks again,
(Red 97 Twin Turbo)
I guess I'm not the first to post this...

Definitely a huge thanks goes out to John and Craig for organizing this event. I was especially impressed when I learned this was John's first such event...it was handled VERY smoothly with well planned routes (with the one exception being that not-so-one-way road), good stops, and unexpected give-a-ways.

A very friendly group indeed. I was surprised by all the new faces...and it was great to finally be able to associate the people behind their NSX Prime UserNames. I figured that having been at previous NSXCA events and meetings (including last year's Canyonball) that I would have already met a lot of you...but I was wrong.

Marc, you missed out on some seriously twisty roads, more spirited driving, and dinner with a great group of people.

As soon as I get my photos developed, I'll put them on my NSX site.

--akira3D ('00 NSX-T red/black #113)
"Reality is better than the dream..."


[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 21 May 2001).]
Thanks Guys, Everyone that showed up was great. What a group!!! Thanks for bringing your fine machines.

Marc...You car just flat out HAULS ASS!!! Sorry you had to leave early, you missed the best part, miles and miles of un-interrupted canyons... wish you could of stayed with us.

Calvin, It was great to be part of the break in ceremony for you brand new car. Just think we added 50% of the miles you had when you started the day

Sam, what can I say, that was a world class burn out...can't wait to post the pic's

A very special thanks to John and Tina Richards for comming up with the idea to put this event together in the first place and for putting together the lunch raffle...what a great idea. I appreciate you letting me get involved to the extent you did.

Thanks also to the folks that donated some of the items that were given away at the raffle. Dent Works, Gold Coast Acura and Dali Racing. Your Tee shirts are in the mail.

Hope to see everyone again soon.

Thanks to everyone who came!!It was such a blast!! Pictures are coming soon and they will be out asap. Kudos to all the guests and your most awesome Vehicles:Eric and Valerie I (Akira3D), Steve A (NSX1.COM), Chris S, Walter, Randy and Zena C. (Fury NSX),Calvin C (CChung),Ilya (Ilya), Marc S (SpeedDemon), Sam A. and guest Berg, Eric W. and guest Randy H., Steve and Rene S. (SSNSX), and our leader and CEO of the Drive (Craig and Sharon K.)Craig will have a full story soon! Track event is in the works and any enthusiatic participants are welcome to share your thoughts and ideas.
It was the most fun I've ever had and a close 2nd was driving at the California Speedway a 600HP Winston Cup Car 10 laps @ 165MPH!!!
Looking forward to the next drive and ANYTIME
is a great time to drive an NSX!!!
Thanks John and Craig for putting on such an enjoyable event. I was really looking forward to meeting all the people behind the posts on this forum. Yeah, I have about twice as many miles now on the odometer than I had when I woke up last Sunday morning! But now I have over 600 miles and my break in period is over
, thanks to this great canyon drive.

Man, everyone seemed to be going twice as fast as I was through the corners! I just felt I still had to baby the car while it was still in the break-in period. But to tell you the truth, I don't think I would have been able to keep up with all you guys even if it wasn't! I guess someone had to bring up the rear

Anyway, it was great meeting everyone of you NSXers for the first time. I'm eagerly looking forward to seeing the pictures that will be posted on this event and to meeting everyone again at another function. Thanks again Craig and John for all the hard work and planning that went into this event and also for the nice T-shirts. Hope to see you guys soon!

'00 NSX-T, silverstone/blk, #252
Dammit i swear it seems like the southeastern area of the US has nothing going on as far as nsx events... other than last years NSXCA event at road atlanta (i didnt go b/c i just got my nsx and was between jobs...didnt have the $150 some odd bux to spend
The biggest NSX event of the year was in Atlanta last year! When it comes to NSXPO, you've got to go when it's close to home, because it will be at least several years before it comes around again.

NSXPO 2001 is 800 miles from Atlanta - a relatively easy one-day's drive (figure 11-12 hours including minimal stops). And the time goes quickly if you coordinate with other owners to convoy together and talk on the two-way club radios the whole way.

There are also lots of events in Florida. Check out http://www.nsxflorida.com
When it comes to NSXPO, you've got to go when it's close to home, because it will be at least several years before it comes around again.

Tell me about it. I was so bummed when I learned that I bought my NSX several months after the big Laguna Seca event...

--akira3D ('00 NSX-T red/black #113)
"Reality is better than the dream..."


[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 23 May 2001).]
I'm glad to hear everything went well, though I'm not surprised. I e-mailed back and forth with Craig and John a few times regarding the event and they both were clearly doing a great job of planning.

If anyone has pictures and/or a write-up of the event, I'd love to create a page for it in the Events section of the website! Just e-mail me.
Pictures/Video and a full write up by Craig(CEO and god of this event) are on the way. Private me so we can send you a shirt. Someone was definitely watching over us that day, John
Originally posted by SpeedDemon:
Just wanted to thank John Richards & Craig Kircher for organizing a fantastic event!

The best part was of course the friendly group of NSX'ers that showed up. Had a great time meeting new people and checking out some beautiful cars with a variety of modifications.

Since I had to leave after everyone got off the 101 freeway... How did the rest of the event go?.. How was the drive through the Santa Monica mountains, dinner, etc?

I hope we can get another event like this going in the not-too-distant future.

Thanks again,
(Red 97 Twin Turbo)

YES! Thanks for a great event. I can't imagine a better way to spend the day. I too had to leave the group from the 101 in Camarillo. I really wish I could have been there to enjoy the Malibu Cyns

On that note, the Angeles Crest Highway is not far from where I live. For those with flexible schedules and a spirited driving interest, let me know if you'd like to "follow along" on a midweeek run through the mountains, something like La Canada to the Cajon Pass and back, private me and we can hook up.

Thanks again Crag and John!!!

Eric W
Bone stock 91 BLK/IVORY
-but not for long after seeing and hearing such beautiful machines

PS Where is the other Burnout shot?????

PPS Of course, I can't say that to loudly as I actually have 2 shots of it on my camera, which is still in my glove box
Anyone ever wonder why there seems to be a lack of NSX footage available? I've seen a few Top Gear clips... but thats it....
Damn, no photos on the net yet, eh? Mine are being developed (I shot REAL film), so I probably won't see my collection until tomorrow...and then I will still need to scan them before I can post them.

I ordered a 3CCD miniDV digital camcorder before the last event, but it probably won't arrive for another few weeks. Once it does, however, I plan to make sure that many more NSX video clips find their way on to the net

[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 23 May 2001).]
Originally posted by Electro:
Anyone ever wonder why there seems to be a lack of NSX footage available? I've seen a few Top Gear clips... but thats it....

There are a couple dozen videos here with a bunch more to follow in the next month or so:

I have HOURS more footage I'm working on digitizing but it's a time consuming process. I hope to get all the Battle of the Supercharged NSX stuff posted next month (ten 20 minute segments) and then a bunch of Road America footage I just got (RA is the track for NSXPO 2001), then a cool Hot Version video from Japan where NSXs from all the major tuners battle it out on the track, and a bunch of other stuff.

Of course if you attend some events, shoot video and post it on the web, there would be more available as well (hint!) If you think something is lacking in the NSX community, why not help fill the gap?

[This message has been edited by Lud (edited 23 May 2001).]
Great trip! I'm sure I'll see some of you again at the next events.
I usually buy one of those disposable cameras and use them for the trip, but I didn't have the chance since I barely made the event at all.
I was up until 3am getting the NOS done Saturday night and only had 3 hours sleep before having to get up and get ready for the event. The kicker is that we ran out of NOS testing it so I didn't have any for the trip anyway. I had to watch Marc and Sam tearing up the highway from behind.

I was very close to not going, but I'm glad I made it. It was a fun event and I got a NSX performance Portfolio out of it (I'm still not sure how I got away with that one).

Here's Sam's car not breaking any laws.
<a href=http://albums.photopoint.com/j/AlbumIndex?u=1540123&a=13020924>See my photos of NSXPrime CanyonDrive at PhotoPoint</a>
Here's just a few pictures I loaded. Need to scan more. I have dial up, so it's verrrry slow. You will see every picture (over 100). Please be patient, worth the wait. John

[This message has been edited by ANYTIME (edited 24 May 2001).]

[This message has been edited by ANYTIME (edited 24 May 2001).]
Very nice! Thanks for the choice pics of my car.

I've been trying to get a decent shot of my wheels for ages, but you seem to have gotten better shots than me.
ahh... all those years at SC film school, wasted...

Waiting for all those great engine bay shots from Sam's and Marc's cars. I know you've got em hiding there somewhere.
Hey guys, I just got my first roll developed, but the second is STILL in the camera (with 2 shots left). I'm starting to scan them, but it will be a few days before I can post them (and have accompanying text).

I just posted four shots from the overcast Moorpark meeting spot on my NSX site.

Unfortunately I have NO shots of Sam's burn out

--akira3D ('00 NSX-T red/black #113)
"Reality is better than the dream..."


[This message has been edited by akira3d (edited 25 May 2001).]