NSX plates??

14 May 2007
Beaumont, Texas
Ok which one of you Texas assholes has the "NSX" personalized plates that I applied for and was refused?:mad: Kidding, kidding:biggrin: Seriously, who's got it? I need ideas since thats not gonna happen.:frown:
Last month my car came with XSNSX personal tag on it when I bought it. Interested in knowing what other personalized tags are out there from other states so that I might "steal" their ideas. I guess mine is OK, but I think there are probably so that are better.

Any suggestions or any other plates that you'll have seen?

NJ denied me the plate. maybe texas is more friendly hahahah
My state of Connecticut has a web-site that allows you to put in your plate selection and it immediately tells you if it's available or someone has it assigned. We keep it simple in CT that's why my plate is 91-NSX.

Have a nice day. :biggrin: