NSX over GF?

30 December 2002
Northern, CA
Hi Everyone,
I'm new on this forum and really wanted to know everyones opinion about my question.

My boyfriend has an NSX and I feel that he puts more thought and effort into his car than me. I'm not upset, in fact, I was the one that convinced him to buy the car. I find it very funny how he seems to treat the car better than me. Do you guys treat your car a little better than your significant other? Be honest guys. Are their any females here that can agree with me?

[This message has been edited by nordygirl (edited 20 January 2003).]

I'm so sorry that you feel you're being neglected. I know your boyfriend isn't doing it unintentionally. It's just the NSX casts a bewitching spell on most owners. The combination of the car's looks, performance and downright unbelievable sex-appeal turn even the most jaded car drivers in obsessive fanatics. Is your boyfriend an obsessive-compulsive when it comes down to his "baby" (ahem, the other one that is)? Ask him to take this simple test, answering "Yes" or "No" to the following list of questions:

(1) Does he salivate at the mere mention of those three letters?
(2) Do you find him sleepwalking towards the garage at night?
(3) Does he post more than ten times a day on NSX Prime?
(4) Does the mere sight of a fellow NSX cause him undeniable joy?
(5) Does he break-down in tears when he is driving his NSX and he sees a hint of rain in the horizon?

If he answered "Yes" to any of these questions, he is definitely a fanatic.

But even if he is a NSX-loving maniac, do not fear, for all is not lost. Because while the passion for the vehicle will never wane (once you "X," it's hard to go back), it does at times subside marginally. And it is then that spouses, friends, lovers and all others who have been neglected hope that maybe, just maybe, he realizes that there is life beyond the NSX.

Welcome to our club!!


I'm sure he cares about you. But give him some time. He'll see the big picture.

My gf said the same to me when i got it. that's why it's so funny.

Your BF is just going through a CRAZY INSANE NSXADDIC phase right now.

=) GoodLuck to you both.
Hey NSXaholic... what if i answered 'yes' to ALL of those questions??? *guilty look*

Sorry to hear about that nordygirl, i guess it's a guy thing ... all guys seem to do it; just about different things. (sorry, that's not very compassionate)
Your Motorcar doesn't get upset when you forget it's birthday.

You don't have to talk to your Motorcar after you drive it.

You can choke your Motorcar.

Your Motorcar doesn't get mad when you ignore it for a month or so.

Motorcars don't get jealous if you come home with grease under your fingernails.

Motorcars don't snore.

Your Motorcar won't wake you up at 3:00 AM and ask you if you love it.

Your Motorcar won't leave you for another driver.

You don't have to pay child or income support to an ex-Motorcar.

If you say bad things to your Motorcar, you don't have to apologise before you can drive it again.

If your Motorcar doesn't look good, you can paint it or get better parts.

If your Motorcar goes flat, you can fix it.

If your Motorcar is mis-aligned, you don't have to discuss politics to correct it.

If your Motorcar is too loose, you can tighten it.

If your Motorcar is too soft, you can get different shock-absorbers.

If your Motorcar makes too much noise, you can buy a silencer.

If your Motorcar smokes, you can do something about it.

It's always OK to use tie downs on your Motorcar.

Motorcars always feel like going for a ride.

Motorcars don't care about how many other Motorcars you have driven.

Motorcars don't care about how many other Motorcars you have.

Motorcars don't care if you are late.

Motorcars don't get pregnant.

Motorcars don't have parents.

Motorcars don't insult you if you are a bad driver.

Motorcars don't mind if you look at other Motorcars, or if you buy Motorcar magazines.

Motorcars don't whine unless they are supercharged.

Motorcars last longer.

Motorcars only need their fluids changed every 2,000 miles.

Motorcars' curves never sag.

You and your Motorcar both arrive at the same time.

You can have any color Motorcar and show it to your parents.

You can kick your Motorcar to wake it up.

You can drive a Motorcar as long as you want and it won't get sore. You can drive a Motorcar any time of the month. You can share your Motorcar with your friends. You can't get diseases from a Motorcar you don't know very well. You don't have to be jealous of the guy that works on your Motorcar. You don't have to convince your Motorcar that you're a motorcyclist and that you think that Motorcars are equals. You don't have to deal with priests to register your Motorcar. You don't have to take a shower before driving your Motorcar. You only need to get a new chain or belt for your Motorcar when the old one is REALLY worn. Your Motorcar never wants a night out alone with the other Motorcars. Your parents don't remain in touch with your old Motorcar after you dump it. Your Motorcar doesn't care what you're wearing when you take it out. Wearing four fresh rubbers makes a ride in a Motorcar more enjoyable. The rashes you get from Motorcars go away without those painful Penicillin shots. One gets in no trouble for storing disassembled pieces of the Motorcar in the basement. Disassembling the Motorcar is done out of pleasure rather than need. Motorcars always sound pleasant.

Top 30 Reasons Cars Are Better Than Women.

1. You can look at pictures of nice cars all you want to and not feel like a pervert.

2. You can lust after another car and your current car won't care.

3. You can hang any kind of car picture in your room and not get in trouble.

4. Women can't go 200 miles per hour.

5. A woman can't carry four of your friends on a trip.

6. You can replace your car any time you want and not feel bad.

7. A car doesn't have girlfriend cars that will talk about you and tell her that you are not good for her.

8. You can't install sub-woofers in a woman.

9. You can rub and wax a car in your driveway and not get arrested.

10.Car's don't care if you leave them in the garage overnight.

11.Cars don't care if you go on a trip for three weeks and don't call them.

12.If you are nice enough, your friends will almost always let you borrow their car.

13.You can get together with friends and compare cars and not sound like pigs.

14.Car's don't get mad at you for no reason every 28 days.

15.You can have two cars at once and they won't be jealous of each other.

16.Cars don't have relatives that you have to be nice to.

17.You can always test drive a car before making a commitment.

18.Car's come with an owners manual.

19.Your car does not care if you get fat and walk around with no shirt on.

20.You have 100% complete control over the direction of that car at alltimes.

21.You can stare at nice cars in a parking lot and your car won't care.

22.You can't put a bumper sticker that says "How's my driving? Tel: 12345678 on a woman.

23.Car's could not care less about commitment.

24.You don't mind too much if your friends always want a ride in your car.

25.If your car is being repaired, you can usually get a loaner car.

26.If you are 21, you can legally rent a car. 'Nuff said..

27.You can complain about how ratty your car looks and people think it's funny.

28.You can sell your car to a complete stranger and nobody will get mad at you.

29.A woman does not have keyless entry or remote ignition.

30.and finally.. There are 50 year old cars that still look good.

In your situation, I think it depends on how long he's had the car in his possession. If it's only been a couple of months or so, then just be patient with him and exercise a little understanding. It is a very honorable concept being able to afford an "exotic sportscar." I mean, how many men can actually say that? Right now he's in his "wow" stage. In that sense, an Acura NSX is definitely a perfect trophy to have in his garage.

If you give him time, it will wear off eventually and he will focus his attention back to you. In the meantime, exert a little energy in understanding his passion for this fine automobile. I'm sure he will be happy to share his enthusiasm with you.

Good luck!

[This message has been edited by Joel (edited 20 January 2003).]
Originally posted by Joel:

In your situation, I think it depends on how long he's had the car in his possession. If it's only been a couple of months or so, then just be patient with him and exercise a little understanding. It is a very honorable concept being able to afford an "exotic sportscar." I mean, how many men can actually say that? Right now he's in his "wow" stage. In that sense, an Acura NSX is definitely a perfect trophy to have in his garage.

If you give him time, it will wear off eventually and he will focus his attention back to you. In the meantime, exert a little energy in understanding his passion for this fine automobile. I'm sure he will be happy to share his enthusiasm with you.

Good luck!

[This message has been edited by Joel (edited 20 January 2003).]

<The following does not refer to committed relationships originating prior to super neat-o car ownership>

I disagree. I think it's more a matter of how long he's had HER in his possession. I don't think anyone but the stoner dude is being honest here. 10 to 1; of you gave him an ultimatum..."me or the car"...you would be greatly dissapointed. 25 to 1; save the ultimatim for a year from now...you get the same answer. Its only going to get worse. He will only become more and more infatuated and protective of his car...as for a woman in a man's life...well you know the opposite is undoubtably true. BTW...I have never had an arguement with my car. It has never asked me to take out the garbage in the middle of a basketball game. And, it has never said it has a headache. Sorry....

Todd E. Williams
'94 NSX Berlina Black/Black

[This message has been edited by tewills (edited 20 January 2003).]

There's no excuse for someone treating their significant other better than an inanimate object. Of course, it's difficult to offer real suggestions since we don't know the specifics of your situation.

If your boyfriend just got the car and is simply preoccupied with it and he normally treats you fine, I wouldn't worry about it. Otherwise, you might need to take a good look at your relationship.

If you both really care about each other, then each of you should support each other's passions and interests. It's a two-way street. My wife is very supportive of my automotive passions and I try to be equally supportive of hers as well. If you find that this equation is consistently lopsided then something's wrong.


1992 NSX Red/Blk 5 spd #0330
1991 NSX Blk/Blk Auto #3070 (Sold)
1974 Vette 454 4 spd Wht/Blk
1976 Honda Accord 5 spd, 3 door Blue/Blue
1977 Honda Accord - Custom - Under Construction
2003 MINI Cooper S - On Order - All Black
1986 Chevy Suburban
It sounds like you've been together with a closet car fanatic and now that he has one he's proud of, he's a kid right after Christmas.

Its never going to be a happy ending if you make him decide which is more important or you deciding for him.

If you can't beat 'em, join 'em. Doing things together, even if they are important to only one of you or fun to only one of you, is the key to keeping this from getting out of hand.

I know wives and g/f's who work on their husbands or b/f's cars with them, they help detail them after a fun day out, etc. I know husbands who spend time walking or going to church with their wives or doing certain things around the house though I know they absolutely loathe it because its important to do these things for each other and with one another.

Spending SOME time with him during his car fetish phase, be it a couple months or a couple of years or longer, and him spending SOME time with you away from cars, his friends, the television, and other distractions, is as good as its going to get.

Good luck,
looking on the bright side (if there is one), at least he is treating the NSX AND YOU okay... if he treats the NSX and neglects you, then u have a serious problem.

HEY GUYS... try to be a little more sensitive... this is a lady's feelings we're talking about here.
Guys.....don't get me wrong, I like the car as much as the next person and we do get along well. I feel that after having the car for almost 2 years you would think that his "child like" behavior would wear off by now.

Anyways, I just wanted to say, "thanks" for all the feedbacks.

Major Stoner......do you even like women?
Sorry this turned out so long..

It can't be easy coming to a car forum to ask advice on how to combat someone's "car obsession" with such a wide variety of possible responses.

Its like learning to live with a sick relative. You have to accept certain things.

My parents think I'm a loon. My father understands, but didn't express as much fervor as I do with my car fetish as he did with his during his youth. I can't wait to tell them I'm buying a third car (an NSX) in a year or two.

A couple of months ago, I brought my second Jag into work, and the secretary asked "I thought your Jag was black?" and I said "It is." and she replied, "I didn't know you had two" and I said "Yes. I have one and a mistress" and I walked away. Everyone within earshot exploded with laughter.

If you've both read or have seen the Lord of the Rings, there's time for you and him, you him and "Precious," and time for him, "Precious" and his friends.

I have two friends. Both are car and motorcycle nut respectively. One, his wife would walk all over him and he was always the flexible one in the relationship. He's also 10 years younger then her. Another friend, when he first started dating, he told his g/f where his boundries were and if she didn't like it, there's the door. No kidding! They are both working out, but have had some very rough times recently until they finally accepted what they couldn't change in the other. Its allllllll about that communication and compromise.

My sincerest wish for a happy ending.

Originally posted by nordygirl:

Good idea! Maybe I'll buy that 993 Turbo and roast him

Good idea! And if he asks to swap rides, tell him "HELL NO, my car is more precious than you and your nsx combined!"
But in any case, to answer your original question, I think my GF would agree with you 100%. In fact, she threatens me that she'll get NSX or something better(as if!
) and cherish it like a baby. haha

I've actually made a lot of compromises just to make him happy and I do it because I want to. I not only get to meet new people when we attend NSX gatherings but I also enjoy them. I thinks it fun and he and I get a chance to spend time together (even if its only for 1 day out of the week). We're both busy and never really find the time. Take pride in what you have and enjoy it.

PS....I would never make him choose, it would be very silly and "child-like" for me to do so

Thanks again!!!
Judging by Fury's comments, I would have the wager the keys to the Suburban are often well hidden

Unfortunately while it is a phase, it is not one he will grow out of. It gets worse over time. A lot worse.

However, if you dig the car, and will go out with him on drives, pretend to have fun, etc.
, you will have a loyal guy for as long as you want - Just make sure he does the same for you.

Trust me though, the 'sickness' does not get better over time.
Originally posted by FuryNSX:
Maybe he likes the car so much 'cuz the trunk is so small, and that keeps the Nordstrom purchases to a minimum.
Hehehehe, nordygirl....hmmmmmmmm

*LOL* cheeky comment.

nordygirl: u probably dont, but in case u do... you dont happen to play the computer games 'Medal of Honour' or 'US Army' online? there was someone on the server today with ur EXACT username!