NSX out of storage...on the road and loving it.

1 May 2001
Point of No Return
As some may have noticed from another thread, I am on kind of a quirky quest to put at least 500,000 miles on my NSX. Odd, I know....but so am I. ;)

Well, today I pulled the NSX out of storage to get started on my driving quest and was reminded why it is I love this car so much, even after several years of NSX ownership. I thought I would share the experience with all of you, and I hope that you feel the same when getting your cars out of storage from the brief break of winter driving.

We headed out to the remote storage area that I have dubbed 'Area 51' not only because of the slightly barren location, but also because of the secret stash of my toys that I usually keep there during the cold, snowy, and generally messy, Indiana winter. Cruising down the county highway to the storage buildings I could feel the excitement build as a smile started to cross my face. It occured to me that the feeling that I get whenever I am picking my car up from its winter sleep is the almost the exact same feeling I had when I picked up the car for the first time after purchase. That butterflys in the stomach anticipation when you know that something extraordinary is waiting for you. :)

Cresting a slight hill 'Area 51' came into view and my smile broadened. The snow was slowly melting and sliding of off the faded gray rooftops of the main building, and the main driveway appeared clear of any unplowed snow or other obstructions, save for a slight drift of snow on the driveway edge. We slowed and proceeded left down the rock drive over to a second building where the keys were kept to access where the NSX and some of its garage mates were still in a peaceful slumber. By now I was smiling so much as to almost be viewed as drunk with happiness. I think someone asked me a question as I exited the car, but I did not hear them, the NSX waited inside and beckoned me from behind the tattered white garage doors.

As I slid the tarnished brass key into the door lock of the access door I had visions of the NSX and all the road trips, jaunts down curvy Midwestern roads, and moments of escape from the world that the car allowed me during times of stress. These times were about to begin again once I opened that door, hooked up the battery, and fired up the engine to listen to that wonderful symphony of an engine play its song. Going through the door I bypassed the other covered cars and immediately went for the one I wanted. Pulling back the cover the polished Taitec exhaust let off a glint of shimmer as a lone beam of light bounced off the tips. Before long I had done all of the mundane uncovering and it was time to slide into the soft black Sparco Torino racing seats and start up the car. A twist of the key later and the NSX barked to life. Taitec rumbling quietly and ready for action.

I carefully clicked the gears into reverse and backed the car out into the sunlight where I would let it warm up for a while before reintroducing it to the road again. Walking around the car I had forgotten how bright the Grand Prix White paint was when polished and in the sun. The reflection caused me to retrieve my mirrored Oakley sunglasses so that I did not have to squint. Walking back in to lock up the storage building I could not help but turn around to look...once...twice...three times. I had missed the car so much and I sometimes forget how beautiful the NSX really is. Lowered and looking like a jet fighter, the NSX had me captivated....again.

Before long the NSX and I were on the road again. Slowly, almost timidly, setting foot onto the highway that for so long had been kept from the two of us. Easing up to cruising speed the suspension giving plenty of feedback, all gauging showing good signs, and a full tank of gas. That full tank of gas was about to come in handy. ;)

Before long the open country road turned right and my eyes saw something I had not seen in several months....a wide open road....no other cars....and the view of all of it from behind the wheel of the NSX. Once rolling I had to do it...the NSX was asking, almost pleading, so stretch its legs. I firmly planted the throttle into the dark Onxy colored carpet and we were off to redline!! The Taitec wailing in the background Shift!! Second gear...still pulling hard. Shift!! Third gear...pulling close to red. Shift!! WOOOO-HOOO!!! Now THAT is what I had missed. The mechanical song of a VTEC motor sprinting along through the brisk winter air of an Indiana day. I felt revived almost. Like someone had suddenly taken electricity and jolted my soul back into life after being almost dead for 6 months. I was ALIVE!!

The drive home, all 20 minutes of it, was a blur. I had been blined by joy and adrenaline as my veins now seemed to pump racing fuel from the repeated blasts to redline. Arriving home, I somehow managed to extract myself from the seat which I had missed so much, and made my way into the house. Bubbling with joy, just over 85,900 miles now on the odometer, I realized this was only the beginning. That I will have this feeling for a long time to come, over many miles, many years, and even more sets of tires. The NSX is my time machine. The place where I want to be, when I do not want to care about anything else other than where I am. :)
NsXMas said:
Nice!!! Is this the one with the auto transmission?

No...this is my '94. Manual shift. The way I should have done it the first time I bought an NSX. :D
This man ladies and gentlemen is a true NSX afficionado and apparently quite the articulate writer as well. Bravo Meeyatch, I too share your love for this beautiful creation we call our "Baby"!
Nice story! Any time I am unable to drive my car makes me appreciate it so much more, but I dont know if i could handle having to store it during winter.
Try having it stored in your garage where you have to look at it everyday like I do when going to work! That's painfull.
My car sits out in front of my house with a car cover on it. It makes me sad everytime I walk past it. I have put only 150 miles on it since NSXPO 2004 and I hate it. I cant wait till the weather warms up and I can drive it everyday :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile: :smile:

Very nice story.. I know how you feel..we all know :)

Still months until I can take my NSX out of hibernation.

Here is what I look at every evening. Offseason is hard :)

My NSX key on top of the tv under the picture



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Great story.
Since relocating from the dark, depressed days of winter in NYC to my new home in New Mexico, where the winters are shorter and more tolerable, I've learned to appreciate my new (had a '91 in NYC) '98 Yellow Targa here
in the SW. We've had some rainy, windy, dreary days here in the past week or so, and I too (in my limited way now) felt that need to drive or at least visit and share quality time with my "baby" in the garage. I even bought her a new present or two-- a short shift knob and a B&B exhaust tailored for the
'97+ editions (yet to arrive).

The sun is out today and I'm driving her to El Paso to play in a tennis tournament. I'm not sure which I'm looking forward to more, the drive in the SW sun and warmth or actually playing tennis.

I guess after the first stares and "what's that" looks of drivers on Route 10(E), I'll have a smile on my face again. I'll be driving my second favorite possession and letting it do what it does best, inhale pavement while I enjoy the best cockpit view just shy of a GTP racer.

Living in the SW, where the NSX is for the most part, my daily driver, makes me appreciate this climate even more. For those who hibernate their NSX in the late fall, winter and early spring, keep the faith-- spring is just around the corner.

Larry T

Now for the bad news...

10-Day Forecast for
Fort Wayne, IN

Feb 13

Rain / Wind


Feb 14



Feb 15



AaronR said:

Now for the bad news...

10-Day Forecast for
Fort Wayne, IN

Feb 13

Rain / Wind


Feb 14



Feb 15




That is only bad news for garage queens....my car is decidedly NOT a garage queen. ;)
NCC-1701D said:
its 11:02 PM ..and after reading that story..I am going out to garage to start my car...

Good man....I just went out into the garage and installed a SmarTenna. Spending time with my car really is a great release. :)
dnyhof said:
Try having it stored in your garage where you have to look at it everyday like I do when going to work! That's painfull.

Pulease! Thats nothing.

Try buying it right before the first snow storm of the season. Driving it home. Putting it under cover for a few months. Walking past it each day on the way to work, as I run to the STREETCAR.

The problem of only having a two car garage, with a rear laneway (read - no driveway) is that, no matter what, I cannot have more than two vehicles. My wife needs a minivan to drive the kids around all day, so Im taking public transportation all winter. :frown:
That was an exceptional story. In fact, I would say that the story is worthly to be published.

In some ways, I can relate to this story. I recently took delivery of an '05 NSX-T Silverstone/Onyx, but have to store it away from home until I finish the new garage. After a very enjoyable drive last Saturday, I found it difficult to put the NSX away into storage. And given the fact that it will be raining all week, I will have to wait at least a week before driving the NSX again.

BTW - my trek is to put the first 600 miles on her. I'm up to just under 300 miles right now. And I have no idea what REDLINE is like yet, because I've been very good about keeping it under 5500 RPM... well I cheated a couple of times, I hit 6k twice.
SPA_S2000 said:
Pulease! Thats nothing.

My wife needs a minivan to drive the kids around all day, so Im taking public transportation all winter. :frown:

But it is still worth it :)

cls6sp03 said:
And given the fact that it will be raining all week, I will have to wait at least a week before driving the NSX again.


I am not sure you know but the NSX can be driven in rain too :)

Not as enjoyable, but still a lot of fun.

martin said:

I am not sure you know but the NSX can be driven in rain too :)

Not as enjoyable, but still a lot of fun.


Very true... But I'm still suffering from new buyers syndrom... afraid to get it down and dirty... :D
cls6sp03 said:
Very true... But I'm still suffering from new buyers syndrom... afraid to get it down and dirty... :D

:biggrin: I know how you feel.

My NSX had barely seen rain until I went down to Switzerland to get it.

900km from home I got my first rainstorm and I felt bad.

After that I have driven in rain, but do not go out driving if it is raining.

Very well written. You have motivated me to take my NSX out for a spin tomorrow. The forecast is 70 F and sunny in Charlotte. It has been two months for me - I know I'm a wuss.

I just don't like to get road grim on it then cover it for the carport. There are restrictions on washing cars at my condominium. I violate the ban occasionally but hate to very often.

I am relocating and my number one priority is a garage and a neighborhood without car washing restrictions.
Nice story !
Cant really relate to it though, as Texas doesnt have harsh winters where we need to put our cars away for half the year.

Enjoy the Nsx !
I get a kick out of the degree of the passion for your car, and driving in general... it's inspirational:)