
15 January 2007
Braselton, GA
So I was at a friends house for Thanksgiving and they had their own custom made Monopoly. Some how I got the idea that I want to create my very own NSX-OPOLY. Does anyone know where you can create your own Monopoly board? I guess Also what would be good names for the property on the boards be. I figured Luxury Tax or Income Tax would get replaced with something like 90K mile Service...or something like that. Maybe replace the Rail Roads with my favorite race tracks, not sure about what to replace the utilities with. Any idea for custom Chance & Community Chest cards? I have a few micro-machine NSX's and a NSX 2.0 about the same size I would use as the player pieces.

I don't know give me your guy's thoughts and ideas.
So I was at a friends house for Thanksgiving and they had their own custom made Monopoly. Some how I got the idea that I want to create my very own NSX-OPOLY. Does anyone know where you can create your own Monopoly board? I guess Also what would be good names for the property on the boards be. I figured Luxury Tax or Income Tax would get replaced with something like 90K mile Service...or something like that. Maybe replace the Rail Roads with my favorite race tracks, not sure about what to replace the utilities with. Any idea for custom Chance & Community Chest cards? I have a few micro-machine NSX's and a NSX 2.0 about the same size I would use as the player pieces.

I don't know give me your guy's thoughts and ideas.

Sounds like a fun idea. I will throw some ideas out there:

Chance cards - Give someone a ride in your car, pass go, collect $2,000 Marketplace bucks
Learn the hard way that North Dakota does indeed have a speed limit; go directly to jail
chance card: you sell your NSX and buy a "sheep" car ( everyone has )then kick self in ass for selling and now are hunting for another NSX pay bank 2,000
chance card: your wife notices the bank statement she thinks SOS is a pornsite she then discovers they sell NSX parts she gets you a gift certificate from them for Christmas. you get 1500 back
chance card: you neighbor has your NSX towed you sue and win all players pay you 3500
chance card: you find a scratch on your NSX you think its one of your kids and wait in hiding to see if they do it again and find out its your cat pay bank 300 for euthanasia for cat
chance card: the local Honda civic club invites you to a car show after you arrive you see they have a center stage parking for your NSX the player to your left pays you 200

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if you made a couple hundred and had some real fun maybe everyone voting on some of the propertie names etc. I think you could make a nice little chunk of cash

I would buy one def.
OP, where did your friends get their custom Monopoly?

I like this idea! The city of Osaka, Japan had a custom Osaka Monopoly made some years ago, and one of the properties was the company I used to work for. I thought that was pretty cool.
CStricker They made online.

An idea for the properties would be tracks from around the world.
This is a funny thread. I'm surprised it didn't get more airtime. I want one now. I am a Settlers of Catan fan. I should make a NSX themed board for that. Looks like Hasbro.com does custom board and appear to be fairly priced. I didn't go though the steps to see the final deal though. First practical plan for 3D printing will be the game pieces....
Maybe you could get some of the NSX venders to pay to have a property named after their business to help defray the cost. Then some of the cards could say things like "fried the clutch at the track go to Source1, SOS ...yada yada and pay $3,000. Or ECU went into limp mode go to dealer and pay $400 to have clock fuse pulled.
I was using race tracks from around the world as properties. Someone told me a good idea...replaces houses and hotels with garages and dealerships. If I did race tracks for properties what would I do with the railroads??? Instead of Utilities and Water you could use Sunoco gas and another company that produces racing fuel.
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.or you could replace the streets with past nsxpos.
chance card: you sell your NSX and buy a "sheep" car ( everyone has )then kick self in ass for selling and now are hunting for another NSX pay bank 2,000
chance card: your wife notices the bank statement she thinks SOS is a pornsite she then discovers they sell NSX parts she gets you a gift certificate from them for Christmas. you get 1500 back
chance card: you neighbor has your NSX towed you sue and win all players pay you 3500
chance card: you find a scratch on your NSX you think its one of your kids and wait in hiding to see if they do it again and find out its your cat pay bank 300 for euthanasia for cat
chance card: the local Honda civic club invites you to a car show after you arrive you see they have a center stage parking for your NSX the player to your left pays you 200

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if you made a couple hundred and had some real fun maybe everyone voting on some of the propertie names etc. I think you could make a nice little chunk of cash

I would buy one def.

Shawn, you are hilarious…
On stuffyoushouldknow podcast, they mentioned that you can pay like $150 and get your own customized monopoly made. please post pictures if you do!
You could make the railroads famous public roads like Tail of the Dragon.

I like it... I know of Pikes Peak and the Tail of the Dragon...anymore?
The Twisted Sisters in Texas.
Not to rain on this parade, but before you get too far along, you might want to check if there would be any infringement on copy rights.
I thought the term NSX-opoly was coined for people who bogart NSXs.
That would be Shawn. I think he keeps a minimum of 10 from what I've read over the years on here. I doubt SHAWN-opoly would sell very well as a brand.:biggrin:

Not to rain on this parade, but before you get too far along, you might want to check if there would be any infringement on copy rights.
Enter the Attorney LOL. But he's right you know.
I have no plans on selling this.
I plan on making one for myself, one for anyone that helps out, and a few to donate to NSXPO to be given away.