nsx opinions??

22 June 2007
San Antonio
"Im about to to buy a 1994 nsx and the seller said it has the factory timing belt. He just had the 60,000 mile service done and the master acura tech said teh timing belt looked fine. What are your opinions about this and does it need to be done as soon as I get the car??
"Im about to to buy a 1994 nsx and the seller said it has the factory timing belt. He just had the 60,000 mile service done and the master acura tech said teh timing belt looked fine. What are your opinions about this and does it need to be done as soon as I get the car??

Six years or 60,000 miles. Needs to be done. It's timing belt, water pump, etc. Look at the service section of the FAQ. Have that done, or pay less for the car. In my opinion, I wouldn't buy a car that didn't have the service done. Good luck.
I just can't imagine why a qualified Acura tech would give a thumbs up on a 60k TB. Just an opinion but I think doing a complete TB visual would nearly impossible with out significant teardown, I could be wrong. Nontheless, TB service is very important. If it breaks, you better have deep pockets.
I thought the timing belt was due at 90,000 miles? I thought the same thing that if you got deep enough in there to inspect the timing belt you could just go ahead and change it. You think one of the 3 owners would have done this by time not nessasarily miles. Any thoughts????
is the timing belt 90,000 ir 60,000 miles??
At this point the mileage is irrelevant. The timing belt/water pump service interval is 90k miles or 6 years WHICHEVER COMES FIRST. So regardless of the car's current mileage it is due for the service. Use the fact that it is behind on scheduled maintenance as a bargaining point.
do the timing belt asap... better to spend the grand now then thousands later fixing a preventable issue
Thanks for the information. I am really suprised that it has not been done due to the car being so dam clean!!! Ill let yall know if I end up getting it.
If you get it, and you decide to change the timing belt and water pump - which you should - it's also a good idea to replace all the cooling system hoses too. It's good preventive maintenance; you don't want any of them bursting while you're driving down the road. Like the timing belt, they're all 14 years old, and they're like a ticking time bomb.
How much do the cooling hoses cost to replace and can I do them myself to save some dinero?
How much do the cooling hoses cost to replace
Click here for a list of part numbers with prices. Since those are from five years ago, you might want to double-check current parts prices on a website like Delray Acura's.

can I do them myself to save some dinero?
Sure, but it depends on how handy you are. I'm sure some of them are not easy to access and you have to remove various parts to get access to them. Have you looked in the service manual? (You DO have a service manual, don't you?)
Again thanks for the great info!! I will look in to it. I am pretty handy so I dont think it should be a huge problem. I will let you know what happens.
To give you an idea of the 6 years or 90,000 miles whichever comes first - my Imola that I've just purchased is a 02 with 9,196 miles and I replaced both!

Better safe than sorry...for the $1000 it cost me to do both.