NSX "NOT" a chick magnet???....hhmmmm

12 April 2005
Ventura - LA County
Greetings to all -

So this Saturday (6/25) I finally went to pick the NSX up from the seller in Tustin SoCal. His wife was nice enough to meet me at the Train Station to complete the transaction.

On the way to Tustin, I drove my 97 Accord and took the I-5 and of course even on a Saturday @ 2PM there was GRIDLOCK..I HATE Los Angeles, Orange County traffic. Went to the Train Station , parked the car, and waited to get picked up. I was hoping that she was NOT going to drive the NSX there as I don't like making deals on PUBLIC properties. (But she was a very nice looking lady, so I didn't mind :biggrin: )

In Any case, she showed up IN the NSX and with the top off (not hers :biggrin: sickos) and parked in front of me while I waited on one of those benches. Dammit, she IS going to make me pay for this car here!

After all is said and done, I drove her home and OFF I went and this time I was taking the 405N freeway hoping to "avoid" traffic :rolleyes: .

Got on the ramp and WOW!!! This car is definitely SEX on wheels! With the top off, NO radio, windows rolled down @ a very gracious 73 degrees Southern California weather and just the SWEET sound of the Comptech Exhaust and header rumbling behind me, ALL that gridlock traffic issues I had earlier just faded away.

The Sparco Torino seats fit like a glove, the semi Lexus ride quality is unheard of with a Sports Car as SEXY as the NSX, the almost panoramic view from the cockpit, the buttery gear box shifted effortless, and the most beautiful sound of VTEC makes you want to keep it there....BUT, "BRAKE LIGHTS" :mad: !
I'm going through the different gears trying to get used to them and found that even on HEAVY traffic, the NSX is very comfortable, no grinding at all (It's been about 7 years since my last Manual Tranny vehicle). The only gripe I had was my shoes hitting this dead pedal as I push the clutch in, but is easily correctable (I think I'm going to have to remove this almost useless piece).

Stop n Go from Long Beach all the way to LAX (Spotted a Yellow NSX on the other side going South...But he was ALSO stuck and busy looking ahead as I waved) and I get this weird feeling that I'm being followed or watched :eek: .. All of a sudden, this SUV (Honda Passport) gets next to me on the driver side almost hitting the car in front of them and I hear these angelic voices eminating from inside this vehicle! So I look over to my left and what do I see, 3 LOVELY young ladies sticking their head out of their SUV and giving me the wave and yelling.."WOW, thats a very nice car.." (giggles)... One girl yelled out, "we were trying to catch up to you for at least 8 miles..!!"

Not a bad deal for the FIRST HOUR in the NSX! This may cause some issues at the homefront if the Lady reads this post, so I will finish this with, ALL I DID was wave back and smiled and thankd them for the compliment..

I forgot to mention that I didn't get home till 3:30AM Sunday! :eek:


P.S. Pictures will come later this week.
Congrats on your purchase.

You are now living the dream. May you never wake up.
Congrats on the car and get used to the attention, there's gonna be a lot of it :biggrin:
if turning heads = chick magnet to you, yes, nsx is a chick magnet.

but nsx will never strike a conversation with hot, pretty girls... They don't care, what's chick magnet? A tiny puppy like a Maltese, Porm, Yorkie... They are at least 100 times more powerful than the nsx.

Attention getter on hwy? Try driving with more than 2 nsx in groups... (We just did that for 180 miles between two track days) But since you lived in OC, socal, the result will probably less than anywhere else in states...
I always get people saying wow and taking pictures of my car. The sad part is that 90% comes from guys who start to talk to me about my car.

when I am in my car its like being a rock star. lol well i do have to say I have got about 10 girls to come home with me on the car. :biggrin:
VampNSX said:
. . .well i do have to say I have got about 10 girls to come home with me on the car. :biggrin:

And ON the car is the only way you can get 10 girls home with an NSX . . .

The weekend after I got my car I was pulling into my buddies place, and there was the cuttest blonde girl that thought the car was "so sweet". So I offered to take her for a spin down the road.. I don't think she'd ever been in a fast car before, as she looked terrified. (which I found humorous).

Too bad she is like 12 years old and in 6th grade :) When we got back, her mom was laughing pretty hard because she had heard me take off out of the driveway at WOT.

More on topic; From what I've experienced with cool/expensive/exotic cars; normal women don't care, or, pretend to not care. You'll get a lot of looks from men though... er.. great. :eek:

Well, these were definitely GIRLS..or should I say Young Ladies (early twenties)..And for them to be "chasing" me for 8 miles as one girl stated, was a FIRST for me. :biggrin:

Sadly, a NSX will get more attention from guys than women and most don't even know what it is. Not that some women don't think its cool. A Volkswagen Cabrio convertible seems to get more attention from the women though. :tongue:
There's a new cologne on the market that drives women wild!

It smells like money.............

Sorry, but cars smell like exhaust.
Mojorator said:
Well, these were definitely GIRLS..or should I say Young Ladies (early twenties)..And for them to be "chasing" me for 8 miles as one girl stated, was a FIRST for me. :biggrin:


Mike sounds like you were having a little harmless fun with some young ladies :)

What color/model did you pick up? I'm still looking for mine!

Post a pic of ur ride when u get a chance.

s4play said:
Mike sounds like you were having a little harmless fun with some young ladies :)

What color/model did you pick up? I'm still looking for mine!

Post a pic of ur ride when u get a chance.



Shes a REDHEAD :biggrin:



She is actually in Buena Park since Sunday night as I had to pick up my Daily Driver so I can get into work (Needs Insurance/Registration etc...to be done still)

best wishes on your new toy!!!! as some of the other guys stated earlier, it definitly is a girl magnet. i get alot of boys looking also!! when im down, a spin in the nsx always brings me up!! enjoy!!!!!
brahtw8 said:
And ON the car is the only way you can get 10 girls home with an NSX . . .


no thats not the only way I am actually good looking too so I could get them walking down the street. but this girl were the ones who wanted to get on the car.

if I wanted to get chicks based on a car I would drive a truck cause girls love trucks for some reson. :confused:
I just picked up my 95 yesterday, I Live near Santa Monica and drove way out the dreaded 405 to 101 north all the way to Ojai, it was quite a drive there in my truck which I have now laid to rest, but the drive home in the NSX felt like time was standing still. I had people driving insanely fast just to get up next to me,, I wasnt going insanely fast (75)but I consider doing 95 mph in a old beat up honda pretty insane, lol I did down shift and leave his ass in the dust in fear that his honda might destruct at 80mph.
The 405 was stop and go as usual, I didnt have the top off like I should have had, but I had my fair share of admirers. THE FUN HAS JUST BEGAN!
VampNSX said:
no thats not the only way I am actually good looking too so I could get them walking down the street. but this girl were the ones who wanted to get on the car.

if I wanted to get chicks based on a car I would drive a truck cause girls love trucks for some reson. :confused:

I think he was saying 'ON' because all 10 certainly wouldn't fit 'IN' the NSX. :D
waldorf said:
I think he was saying 'ON' because all 10 certainly wouldn't fit 'IN' the NSX. :D

We have a winner . . .

waldorf said:
I think he was saying 'ON' because all 10 certainly wouldn't fit 'IN' the NSX. :D

Argh.. hate quoting myself, but ".. unless fully deflated" came to me this morning. :D