NSX MODIFIED....am I a friend or customer?!?

15 October 2000
Irvine, CA, USA
Well, let me just recapture the situation of what happend last weekend. Last Sunday, by any means, could not get the car to start. Suspected 2 possible causes or defects
1) Dead battery
2) the fuse box
Paranoid, I immediately gave brother Larry from NSX modified a quick call about the problem. No one answered, so I left a quick voice message. After calming myself down, I realized the possiblity of "jump-starting" my car. However, it was already pretty late at night (didn't want to bother my neighbors and plus, I did not have a jumper cable handy) so had to wait until the next day (Monday) to figure out what to do. Surprisingly, Larry returned my call that afternoon and told me that he would stop by my house after work. At first I thought I was dreaming...can a well respected and an extremely busy NSX mechanic stop by my house to just fix a car with a possible dead battery. For owners in Sol.Cal, I live in Torrance by the way, and it takes approxiametly 40-45 mintue drive from Huntington Beach to Torrance. And yes, it really did happen....10:45 pm Monday night, Larry and Boosch showed up, and immediately went into action. Took them less than 5min to figure out the problem (and it was a dead battery, doh!). Larry told me that he will drive my car back to the shop to replace the battery for me, and will be ready tommorow morning for pickup.
Two things really struck me....First, there is no way that a mechanic (of any kind) will do this kind of favor for his/her "customers" (at least speaking from experience), unless he/she is an extremely close "friend." Second, I am suprised that Larry treated me more as a "friend" than a "customer." For those of you who know Larry and Boosch extremely well understand what I am talking about.
My conclusions are
1) I respect someone who can scarifice his/her own time for the sake of others, and without making any lame excuses.
2) I will never bring or service my car anywhere except NSX modifed, bceause Larry and his team treats you as a friend more than a customer. A truely respected NSX mechainc that loves his job and loves to make friends, what more can you ask for?
Originally posted by jackmac:
First, there is no way that a mechanic (of any kind) will do this kind of favor for his/her "customers" (at least speaking from experience), unless he/she is an extremely close "friend."

Not true. Mark Basch has done this numerous times. Two events that strike as notable (a) Mike Niday's car had a problem and MB drove two hours one way to lend a hand (b) I had a major problem and on short notice MB came to my aid instead of doing a track weekend back home. Mark's travel time was a little more than two hours.....via commercial airline! I think my story trumps your story.

[This message has been edited by AndyVecsey (edited 20 August 2002).]
Dear owners,
There are too few mechaincs like Larry and Mark B. (even though I haven't met Mark before... have to rely on opinion from other onwers) who are willing to do the "dirty job" at times. Don't you guys agree?
I wish I was closer so I could have larry or mark work on my car
No luck out here in lonely Indiana...
I haven't had a need for that kind of service.

I'm just grateful there are several dealers in my area with highly-qualified mechanics who know the NSX and all the potential problems and how to deal with them. Not all of us can say even that.
We really have to cherish and support those few techs who are also real NSX enthusiasts and go out of their way for us. Too often, the local guy at the dealer just does not care. Luckily, the dealer tech up here in Ventura county is an exception, and really goes out of his way for NSX owners. MB and Larry have both helped me out on my car, including on more than one occasion at a track event or two, something that I dont think your average neighorbood tech would ever bother doing!

All My NSX'es Live in Texas
Originally posted by emvanderpol:
Does anyone know Larry's number. I get a disconnected notice.

Click here.

Remember your friend, the SEARCH.

[This message has been edited by Forums Nazi (edited 16 September 2002).]