NSX mentioned in Lambo review

9 June 2001
Casa di Rissoto
Nice mention of our car in a recent "review" of the new Gallardo in Sports Car International (Nov 2003), page 37.

from magazine article:
The Gallardo is the most user-friendly mid-engine exotic in existence. This combined with its impeccable build quality shows that Lamborghini has successfully raised the supercar bar. To that end, the Gallardo is far more than a successor to the Urraco and Jalpa; it marks the beginning of a new era in Lamborghini history.

Which is why Lamborghini has a problem on its hands: how to get the world-at-large to understand just how different a supercar its new Gallardo really is. This exotic is in many ways as revolutionary as the Acura NSX was when it debuted over a decade ago.

The gauntlet has been thrown down, and the bar is a good deal higher than it was in 1990. I hope Honda comes ready to play.
woohoo they still recognize our cars. now the author of that article is a true enthusiast.

i love the gallardo.. someday ill get my hands on one of em.
<B> This exotic is in many ways as revolutionary as the Acura NSX was when it debuted over a decade ago.</B>

...<B>WAS</B> and still <B>IS</B>!!! :)

Come on Honda... it's time to show Italy how to make "revolutionary supercars" again. :cool:
Hmm, comparing a cheapo Lamborghini to the NSX? :D

Here's an article comparing the $400k S7 to the NSX:

Starting with a genuine race car made those race-car sensations easy to come by. Our own Chris Walton sampled one of the racing S7Rs at Willow Springs (Aug. '01) and reported it felt like "an NSX with a hell-spawned NASCAR motor stuffed behind the cockpit." That's about right.
Of course, I'm not sure that putting NSX and NASCAR in the same sentence is a compliment. :eek:
KulSecHskY said:
do you think the lamborghini guys are like YES they compared our cars to the NSX. ;) :D

LOL I'd like to see the look on their faces :eek: "Damn Honda's!!" LOL