NSX LEFT at empty forclosed home


15 July 2009
Guys a buddy sent me this pic he says his friend does maintenance on forclosed homes and this was left at the empty house
1992 26K miles.

my question is who owns this car since it was left at the empty house the keys on the house have been changed by the bank

so guys up for auction in the near future there will be a low mile 92 up for grabs LOL

but knowing my luck its prob an april fools joke
so does that mean the car comes with the house?
Am pretty sure the car will be auctioned by the Sheriff as personal property. how about you flip the vin to Bob to see if we can find the owner/estate and help them pay their liability? Judging by what I see of the garage, 40k will make an impact.

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Wait, I call BS. Look at that tire tread mark on floor. Car has been moved recently or that mirror would be toast...
This makes no sense at all.... Usually when someone is being foreclosed on, they take anything and everything including the kitchen sink from the house, they usually gut the thing....NOT leave a $40,000 car in the garage!!!!????

I'm leaning towards the April fools joke.


Btw, what's the address?:biggrin:
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No f@#$ing way!! That'd be the FIRST thing I'd take out of the house if I were being foreclosed on!!
I am not sure its real either I asked him for details said will get back to me.

so don't get mad at me guys if it was a joke but my buddy wouldn't play jokes when it comes to cars as he is a car guy to
That would be one sweet score!
it happens more than you think. one of my friends purchased a house and in the garage was a 67 impala it was rusty and needed some work but it looks show room now. but it came with the house