NSX Insurance

16 January 2007
Fort Collins, CO
Hello, can anyone out there recommend a good insurance company for the NSX? I just got quoted ~$1600 for 6 months through Farmers which seems high. Any referrals would be appreciated. Thanks, R :biggrin:
Use the search function in the red bar above (in between New Posts and Quick Links) and you'll find at least 10 discussions on NSX insurance.
I pay $515 through Farmers every 6 months. However, I also have three other cars and a house covered through them, so there is more savings. There are many factors such as coverage limits, deductable, your age, your car's age, etc.. that affects your price.
location also matters. Right now I pay a little over 300 every 6 months full coverage thru USAA in NC. Exact same coverage in a different state thru USAA is 4 times as much.
Use the search function in the red bar above (in between New Posts and Quick Links) and you'll find at least 10 discussions on NSX insurance.

Agreed. There have been several detailed and informative discussions on this exact topic. Search for those and you will find more than enough info, and very quickly.
Multiple cars, home/fire insurance, and I even bought a term life insurance with Farmers, and it helped me to get the cost down to $395.00/6 months. Essentially I'm getting the term life for free plus some.

One thing to consider is how well they play when something happens.
Theres only a handfull of places that can work on aluminum, and they usually are expensive. I think a lot of insurance co's might say tuff luck, you have to pay the difference in cost.
You mentioned that AIG insured your NSX. I called them about a year ago, they said they do not insure the NSX due to the additional expense of repairing an aluminum car. :mad: Have they changed their policy recently?:confused:

'91 Red/Ivory
I pay $150/month for 3 cars (see sig).

State Farm

ZERO deductable for comp and collision.

I won't mention the size of the coverage, but it's generous enough.

Wow that's great! You sleeping with owners daughter?..LOL
I have a clean driving record.

until yesterday I didn't get a ticket for 10 years

I blame the NSX lack of TQ and linear power for deceiving me on it's speed, and for muting the radar detector so some gal can talk and distract me.

She had some ownage after the fact....

Uh oh! I hope your rates don't raise too much.
well, i'll see if i have traffic school as an option ( I did go 49 in a 35MPH that is 25 during school hours).

I might fight it on the merit that it was 6am in the morning and the 25MPH school zone is not in effect and that visibility was good, no kids around and no traffic.

Not looking for sympathy here, btw.

At least I like to ask the judge to make it a 35 zone from 25, so I can avoid the going 20MPH over the limit double whopper.
well, i'll see if i have traffic school as an option ( I did go 49 in a 35MPH that is 25 during school hours).

I might fight it on the merit that it was 6am in the morning and the 25MPH school zone is not in effect and that visibility was good, no kids around and no traffic.

Not looking for sympathy here, btw.

At least I like to ask the judge to make it a 35 zone from 25, so I can avoid the going 20MPH over the limit double whopper.

Okay no more sympathy. What you did was irresponsible and dangerous:wink:
I see you are in NM. I just moved here from Texas and can tell you that it is way higher. I have Farmers also. In Texas I had high limits and it was only about 100 a month in Dallas. That is with a multicar and homeowners discount. The price they quoted you is about what they told me, triple what I was paying. I like to had a heart attack.

My farmers agent said that he spoke to some national level guy and said that they were supposed to be changing the rating on the NSX sometime in the coming months so it would lower it, still not as cheap as Texas, but not as initally high.

I got a quote from Progressive and it was a lot cheaper. You can do it online. I havent switched since I dont want to lose my multiline discounts.
Rates depend on driving record, age, location, and a lot of other variables. Quotes from other people are meaningless.

You can check quotes from multiple companies on websites like Insweb and Insure.com

It's also worth checking customer satisfaction in places like Consumer Reports (last report: March 2006) and JD Power. You don't want to wait until you file a claim to find out your company s*cks in handling claims.
I hear that when you get married, your insurance drops big time. I always thought it was when you turned 25 but I found out that isnt entirely correct. My insurance drops every single year for last 4 years. I now pay $2350 a year through New Jersey Manufacturers. I also have a "rider" policy for all my mods and other goodies. It started at nearly $4000 when I first got the car. The strange thing is, my S2000 is more than my NSX. The only thing that sucks is Geico claims they wont insure anything modified on your car.:frown:
I use geico and they insure both cars for 586 every six months. They will insure aftermarket items as long as you tell them. I have been also to take pictures and keep reciepts of anything you do to your car w/ or w/o the insurance acknoledgement. Supposely they should insure you no matter what.

I hear that when you get married, your insurance drops big time. I always thought it was when you turned 25 but I found out that isnt entirely correct. My insurance drops every single year for last 4 years. I now pay $2350 a year through New Jersey Manufacturers. I also have a "rider" policy for all my mods and other goodies. It started at nearly $4000 when I first got the car. The strange thing is, my S2000 is more than my NSX. The only thing that sucks is Geico claims they wont insure anything modified on your car.:frown:
I have mine insured through Hagerty collector insurance. It was less than any other quotes I received. I don't believe they insure a vehicle as a daily driver, but could be wrong. Check their website for a quote.
I live in a nice neighborhood where the average house is going for $1.8 mil last I heard.

Insurance is cheaper there.

I leave my NSX parked outside with wallet on the seat, unlocked.

Sometimes with the windows rolled down.

Nothing ever happens here.

Yes, we have a SWAT team that trains in homes that are being remodeled or built.

They are never used.

Deaths are from suicides (probably from trying to pay the mortgage), not homocides.

And yes, insurance is much cheaper here.
I now pay $2350 a year through New Jersey Manufacturers. I also have a "rider" policy for all my mods and other goodies. It started at nearly $4000 when I first got the car. :frown:

Holy soiled shorts Batman! :eek:

I had no idea insurance in NJ is so high. I'll be nicer to my boss from now on (he lives in NJ).

Kid, get married. Your rates drop when a wifey is on the policy (well, assuming she has a better driving record than you). :wink:
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OMG..:eek: U guys have really good deal on insurance!
The best price i got for now (paying Geico) is $900/6 months. I tried other companies and i got quotes for $2300~$3000/ year. I'm so envy on u guys.
Mine is through Firemans Fund Ins. Co. It was around 1750 for the year and then I added a rider for stereo and it came out to just under 2400