NSX impressions from the weekend at Niello.

6 December 2006
N. California
No, I didn't buy the NSX. I cam fairly close but at the end, I still wanted the perfect one. I arrived at Niello Acura at around 7:30pm and was greeted by a very nice salesperson. He showed me the NSX, and let me sit in it and start it up. I wasn't allowed to drive it (which is understandable) though. I'll tell ya, my 1st impression of the nsx was amazing (haven't seen an NSX up close in years). The car is very exotic looking and sleek. When I sat down in it, the interior did seem a bit cramped as I am not used to a 2 seater. It was mainly the head room that was a bit bothersome. I am not tall (5'11") but I do have a longer torso. When we took off the roof, the space was perfect. I looked over the car with a fine tooth comb and found a few rock chips on the hood and a few light scratches. The repaired quarterpanel looked good. I was extremely tempted to just buy it right there and there but decided to sleep on it. The next morning, my senses came back and I decided that I still wanted the perfect car. I called the salesperson at Niello and told him the truth. I made it clear that for 60k, I really needed to have a car that had no body work done to it and little to none paint chips. He understood and said thank you. I suppose the moral of the story is that I am glad I waited the next day so I wouldn't let my emotions take the best of me. But let me tell ya, it was damn hard!! In summary, I love this car!!!!
Hi Lee. I was also considering the Black one at Niello. I am in full agreement with you that at the 60k (which is what they told me as well) I would expect lower miles and definitely NO BODY WORK! The car is very nice but the body work will always be a flaw that the car has - forever.... I was told that the Silver one they have is in excellent condition. What did you think of it?? Thanks, Dennis
Hi Dennis,
The silver one was outside, in the rain, so I couldn't get a good look at it. From what I have heard, it looks great. The price tag was the deciding factor for me on it. It was just a bit too much for me.
sanglee24 said:
I wasn't allowed to drive it (which is understandable)
Hi Sang,

Why would they not let you drive it?

If they said i couldn't drive it i would leave. I don't care if they have to remove it from the showroom or if it is raining. If i drove to look at it, i expect to be able to drive it.
comtec said:
Hi Sang,

Why would they not let you drive it?

If they said i couldn't drive it i would leave. I don't care if they have to remove it from the showroom or if it is raining. If i drove to look at it, i expect to be able to drive it.

Very good question. The salesperson said that I would have to sign a contract first, and then I could drive it. It really turned me off. He did say that if I didnt like the way it drove, I could cancel the contract. I could sort of see their apprehensiveness when someone wants to test drive the nsx. I bet there are lots of tire kickers and joy riders out there.
Yeah, i think it's odd they'll let the NSXs sit out in the rain. They are remodeling the second showroom floor, but I feel that the should have the 2 NSXs they have there in the main showroom. The silver NSX is in great condition, aside from a dusty engine bay; really though, you should be patient with your purchase and make sure you get the perfect NSX as you said, in the end, you'll be more satisfied.
BioBanker said:
I bet you'll get a call in a couple days telling you they will come down on the price a bit. Year end is coming. They will want it gone.

I agree Acura dosen't take NSX flooring cost lightly also the book value will change at year end. I am in sales and although I realize the liablity of allowing test drives, a good salesman should be able to determine real buyers from dreamers. Consider yourself lucky if you drove it you would have bought it:biggrin:
Glad I saw this post...I was thinking about driving up there this weekend, but now that I know there was body damage...

I knew at $59k it was too good to be true:frown: