nsx / hooters / charity contribution?

10 April 2000
Silicon Valley

early in the hooters/club thread i dissed going to hooters. clearly, based on the response thus-far, (at least on this topic ;), i suffer from a case of cranial-rectal inversion: the sign up thus far is amazing. wondering how we might best take advantage of this very unique opportunity, i have a suggestion:

* take individual car/owner/staff digital photos (kind of like prom pics ;)
* owner donates, say...$25 - 50 (remember: it's charity!)
* 20% of collection goes to hooters staff (hooties?)
* balance goes to club fund for charity (bikes for kids, etc?) donation
* group shot (i *may* be able to have an aerial shot arranged OR we can use the low-cost "from the roof" angle)
* digital photos emailed to owners for self printing
* non-commercial club calendar w/photos?

if a majority of members signed up for this, we could create a bright spot in the lives of some kids.

comments, thoughts - anybody interested in this?
I read your earlier post and didn't quite understand it... :confused:
But I like the sound of this one and would be more than happy to contribute... :smile:
I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way... :wink:
Let us know what you would like to do... :biggrin:
RonNRaiders said:
I read your earlier post and didn't quite understand it... :confused:
But I like the sound of this one and would be more than happy to contribute... :smile:
I'm sure I'm not the only one who feels this way... :wink:
Let us know what you would like to do... :biggrin:

my take is for this to create much in the way of a donation, it'd be great if a lot of folks would have photo/donate - hooters staff and kids benefit more.

operationally speaking:

* i can take photos, distribute via email (can also create an e-calendar for distribution if there's a demand)

* it'd be great if another member would handle the donation/sign up (i can contribute laptop for registration info, etc)

* if we get enough folks to sign up, perhaps we can facilitate by calling owners out by parking rows ("ok, you guys parked in 38DD need to come out and get your pics taken" ;)

(as for my earlier post, i don't think of hooters as a place i'd spend any time at... my wife says i need to get a grip, quit being so cranky and "go be a bachelor for the day".)

so far we've got 3 of us for prom pics, anyone else like pics and a donation?
Not to hijack this thread, but to offer another option...

The Dublin Lions Club is hosting a fundraiser bike ride and bbq just down the street to support the Oakland Center for the Blind.