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26 February 2006
California Republic
Thank you so much for helping with my purchase of your car. It is an abolute DREAM! I couldn't have imagined the situation being made any smoother w/o you r assistance. She is everything I've dreamed of. She looks better and better and better EVERYTIME I get a chance to sit and stare her over :-) Thank you for taking such great car of her, I hope I can keep up such equally great care!
Hey David,

Wow, thank you for the post....I happened to get some free time at work and was missing the NSX, so I jumped on NSX Prime and stumbled onto this thread! Ironic.

I'm very very glad you are happy with the car. I tried making things smooth for you and having the car ready for you. I'm sorry there were somethings I did not correct before you picked her up. For that, I'm sincerely sorry.

Also, I read your post on the trip back. I saw the pictures of the NSX and started showing everyone my "old" car. I thought about it and I'm really glad a true NSX enthusiast acquired my car. I hope she treats you as good as she has treated me and I hope you meet some of the greatest people (fellow NSX brothers) because of her, as I have.

The night you drove off with the car, I came straight home and jumped on NSX Prime looking for another one. But this will have to wait until the home purchase. I even emailed the Houston NSX crew and told them how sad it felt to be NSX-less.

Once again, I'm glad to know it's in good hands. Please keep in touch and let me know if you have any questions for me or there is anything I can do to help.

Best regards,
- Z

ps - I'm still scratching my head about the cruise control? I swear that it has always worked and I feel awful that it wasn't working for you.

pps – I still haven’t received a penny. Viet said I should get a check Monday. =(