NSX for sale ad deleted with no reason...why?

1 May 2001
Point of No Return
Hello! My NSX for sale ad was deleted (never actually posted, but I received the deleted notice), yet no reason was given. I have no idea what to correct because I am not sure what I did wrong. Can anyone help me, please. I need to get the ad posted.
Okay. It did not say that in my denial, so I had no idea. Thank you!

Not a problem. Now that moderation has been turned off, posts may be deleted without notification of the reason.
Not a problem. Now that moderation has been turned off, posts may be deleted without notification of the reason.

I guess it just sucks a little when what could have been done was a note sent to provide a VIN so the ad could be posted, instead of no real reason being given, and now I have to type the whole ad all over again from scratch. You know what I mean? Thank you though for the clarification.
I guess it just sucks a little when what could have been done was a note sent to provide a VIN so the ad could be posted, instead of no real reason being given, and now I have to type the whole ad all over again from scratch. You know what I mean? Thank you though for the clarification.

I continue to leave comments for the posts I moderate.

The rule change was implemented by NSX Prime. Your specific post was deleted without comment by NSX Prime.

Feel free to send him some feedback.