NSX featured at Pandl's Car Night 9/30/08 Bayside, WI

4 March 2003
Madison, WI
Some of you may recall Pandl's from our 2005 NSXCA Fall Brunch.



They have a car night every Tuesday during the summer, with a different theme each week. You can find the schedule on their website under News/Special Events.

This year, they have included a night devoted to the Acura NSX.

September 30, 2008. 6pm-9pm (or later if you desire).

I hope there will be a good showing. Let me know if you plan to attend.
I thought I would bump this thread now that we are getting a bit closer to the event.

Pandl's is located at 8825 N. Lake Dr. Milwaukee, WI 53217

Directions can be found at their website, posted above.

The event runs from 6pm-9pm, as stated above.

Pandl's Grand Finale will now also be on September 30th, which remains NSX night. This is now the final Tuesday night event of the year and will likely feature additional prizes, etc.

I hope a decent group of NSXs will show up so they give us another NSX night in 2009 . . .
I'll be there with my NSX. I'm there every Tuesday with the NSX or the Porsche since I live just over a mile away. Good group of people, low key, always a great time. Been going there since they started this 3 seasons ago. Just take Brown Deer Road as east as it will go (half mile east of I-43) and it will be the only business (restaurant) on your left. Yes, hope to see a lot of NSX's there so they put it on for next year. There will be plenty of other great cars there as well everyone should know. Just because there is a featured marque doesn't stop a bunch of other's from joining in with their cars as well). See you there.

Thanks to those that made it out. It was a bit cold, but a good night overall. Under the circumstances, 7 NSXs was decent.
Nice meeting the Milwaukee bunch. With all the places to go around here, we need to do a picnic next summer or get together for an event at Road America (anyone going for the Alfa challenge Oct. 11-12?). Tony
Yes, it was good to meet all of you yesterday. I will see what I can do about still having an NSX night next year and to move it up more during "summer" seeing how I'm a regular there.