nsx drivers - disappointed if 2 chicks wanna ride?

6 May 2003
ok so i was just sitting here staring at my aol screen and i started thinking. dont flame i know a lot of people stare at their screens too. so yeah im sure all the guy nsx drivers get a lot of attention and stuff and could fill that passenger seat real quick. but what happens when 2 hot girls want you? do u kick the uglier one out? like how do you choose? sure getting one girl is hard enough, but im sure there are tons of ppl that thought about this. any ideas?

sorry i think im drunk :confused:
welcome to nsxprime TurboLex...

your question isn't a new one... there are a couple of solutions:

1) if both girls are thin, there is room to share the passenger seat.

2) One girl on passenger seat, the other on your lap. (highly prefered over option 1 :D) Just note in this configuration you are more likely to speed.
phew what a relief. cuz guys like me i struggle to get the girls. i think the nsx is my TICKET this time haha. i think god will reward my patience with a set of twins or something ::crosses fingers:: maybe ill stuff one in the trunk and tie another on the wing. lord please give me this car. im finally ready to handle the extreme amount of poonie. :)
I've fit 2 girls with the factory seats..... not now with the Sparco Tourinos..... only 1 at a time. The sparcos are higher than the factory, and the second girl really has to hunch down to fit in.

just my 2 cents
I've somehow managed to squeeze my 6' roomate (male) and a 5'8" girl friend in the passenger seat. It was uncomfortable I'm sure, but well worth it for my roomate!
sorry to disappoint you, you'll get more attention from adolescent drooling boys than girls over you X..,

TurboLex said:
phew what a relief. cuz guys like me i struggle to get the girls. i think the nsx is my TICKET this time haha. i think god will reward my patience with a set of twins or something ::crosses fingers:: maybe ill stuff one in the trunk and tie another on the wing. lord please give me this car. im finally ready to handle the extreme amount of poonie. :)
You make one of them ride on the rear wing, as JZ has done here:

Alternatively, you can hitch one (or both, if they're not very heavy) to the back of your car without sacrificing any speed. Like this:


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<B>FuryNSX</B>: ROFL...ROFL...

<B>SilverOne</B>: Absolutely True. As someone on this forum once said about the NSX; "This car can get you any guys phone number" :)

<B>Phoe<FONT COLOR=red>N$X</FONT></B>: ROFL.... i had forgotten that thread about JZ!!! Saved it now... a classic. :D

<B>TurboLex</B>: it's tempting to think a car like an NSX will help you find a partner(s?) ...but the girls most attracted to your car will be gold-diggers. That might be nice to begin with but when every girl is just after your car & money, that's NOT a real relationship and you'll be left discontented. :( The best advice for meeting girls is BE YOURSELF... let love find you... just get out and do stuff, be happy, live life. Women are more drawn to a guy like that (heck, that applies for people in general). Nuff from me.
And that concludes Neo's guide to finding love & happiness. :p
My female friends have told me that the NSX is a very nice "bonus" when it comes to courtship.

However, ultimately they have to like the guy they are going with. The car alone will not do it.
well i think to get girls you gotta have that confidence stuff right? well how are you supposed to expect me to have confidence when i drive a 95 corolla with a bike rack and only half a brake light lolz. all this has to connect somehow .. cars and the "real wifey"
TurboLex said:
But what happens when 2 hot girls want you? do u kick the uglier one out?

Yep. :cool: :D

Although if they're both hot, let one of em sit on the others lap, I've done that once and it ended up being awesome.
TurboLex said:
well i think to get girls you gotta have that confidence stuff right? well how are you supposed to expect me to have confidence when i drive a 95 corolla with a bike rack and only half a brake light lolz. all this has to connect somehow .. cars and the "real wifey"

:rolleyes: i feel like Yoda here...but....here's neo's guide to self-confidence.... :p

If you build up your self-confidence but it's based on your NSX, what happens when your NSX isn't around (or worse, non-existant) ... or if your NSX is left eating the dust of another car??? :( It's not a good idea to build up confidence based on a material possession... it only builds <B>insecurity</B>.

There is no subsitute for becoming comfortable with who you are... or facing the unknown ... these build confidence. And you don't have to be super-confidence to approach women... just enough to take the first step.

Without going into too much detail, i never had a problem with finding female friends - even when i took public transport & rode a bike. :eek: But if you want REAL advice in that area, then talk to the forum experts... MYNSX, SingleSamuari, and PHOEN$X. :D There's a few other names i've omitted... u know who u are. ;)

Lastly on a more humorous note, it's time to ditch that bike rack & fix that broken taillight... chicks don't dig that stuff... next they'll be lookin in the back of your car for a babyseat. :D

peace dude.
NeoNSX said:
But if you want REAL advice in that area, then talk to the forum experts... MYNSX, SingleSamuari, and PHOEN$X.
MYNSX? The chicks dig his cars, dude.

Just kidding Bill! :D (Although being "height-challenged" as we are, some exotic metal sure doesn't hurt. ;) )

Neo: my problem isn't finding female friends, it's finding ones that will support my exotic car habit! :D
PHOEN$X said:
Just kidding Bill! :D (Although being "height-challenged" as we are, some exotic metal sure doesn't hurt. ;) )

ahh.... short guys get low cars!?!
no wonder everyone around here wants to lower their car... to make themselves appear taller! ;)

Neo: my problem isn't finding female friends, it's finding ones that will support my exotic car habit! :D

:confused: i didn't say you had probs finding female friends... they don't call you "THE MAN" for nothin'. ;)

lol... ditto the supporting exotic car habit! (check my profile :D)
i totally support Neo's excellent point...

one sits in passenger side and one on lap.

trust me, in that situation, the car would not be moving forward/backward but up/down.

why do you think honda incorporated the t-top? u think it's for a great view of the sky??? c'mon, it's built for passenger mobility within the cockpit and for bringing in fresh air to cool off....:D

i'm sure this is not news to some of you out there....:p
8000RPM said:
Blue - perhaps you can demonstrate at your BBQ this weekend?!?

in that case, the burgers won't be the only things cookin'

Been there, done that.... ;)
On several occasions I've had two girls in my car on the passengers seat. It was a tight fit every time. However, when I suggested to take my other car (the beater, and old and very low_low_profile Citroen AX) the offer was ALWAYS declined.
I will admit that in all these cases the drive was pretty short and usually involved bringing the girls to a party of some kind.

I must admit that having two good-looking women getting out of the car in party outfits car in full view of spectators standing in line in for some club does make for a good view. And not only in mine but also in theirs :)

Apart from that I usually like to keep a kind of low profile on the NSX. People often seem to get the wrong impression when they see me in the NSX the very first time they meet me.

Usually, a conversation would go a bit like this:
Q: What kind of work do you do?
A: Wll, I work in the IT business
Q: O nice. You must have a nice company car then?
A: No, actually, I don't. I didn't want one.
Q: Do you have a car then?
A: Yes, I do.
Q: What kind of a car if I may ask?
A: O, nothing special. It's just a Honda
Q: Oh. What type?
A: A red one ;)

I'm used to my integra, cramming everyone in there and going out. But now i've parted it out, and my NSX is my daily driver. I've gotta get used to only having 1 extra spot for someone.

Out in public, I never get any negative comments from first impressions, mostly i get get a head nod, or a thumbs up. I also get "Hey, Nice car...", and i'm always make sure i at least thank them for the compliment. I've found if you dont say anything to them they always come back with F*** you, and think your stuck up. So i at least give them a "Thank You very much".

I've only be asked once or twice on what i do for a living. Once i tell them i'm a mechanic at a speed shop, they nod and say "yeah, cool"

At work, everyone who walks in always asks "whos NSX is that"? Myself and the salesmen just say "one of the workers".
Too many 16 - 18yrs old asking way too many silly questions.

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