Been there, done that....
On several occasions I've had two girls in my car on the passengers seat. It was a tight fit every time. However, when I suggested to take my other car (the beater, and old and very low_low_profile Citroen AX) the offer was ALWAYS declined.
I will admit that in all these cases the drive was pretty short and usually involved bringing the girls to a party of some kind.
I must admit that having two good-looking women getting out of the car in party outfits car in full view of spectators standing in line in for some club does make for a good view. And not only in mine but also in theirs
Apart from that I usually like to keep a kind of low profile on the NSX. People often seem to get the wrong impression when they see me in the NSX the very first time they meet me.
Usually, a conversation would go a bit like this:
Q: What kind of work do you do?
A: Wll, I work in the IT business
Q: O nice. You must have a nice company car then?
A: No, actually, I don't. I didn't want one.
Q: Do you have a car then?
A: Yes, I do.
Q: What kind of a car if I may ask?
A: O, nothing special. It's just a Honda
Q: Oh. What type?
A: A red one