NSX Driver Training

17 August 2002
Cold, snow north...
Where is the best school that teaches driving, and of course Mid engine driving dyunamics? I really want to learn to 'drive' my NSX.

As far as times, the best for me are the summer and January when I dont have classes.

As far as price, it doesnt matter as much as quality. I would like to take a long trainging session that lasts 3 weeks or so, so I really learn and master as much as possible under carful eyes.

suggestions? help is muich appreciated.
I think your best bet is NSXpo. There you will learn a lot about mid engine driving dynamics, be around MANY experianced NSX instructors, and be able to baseline your progress / talents against other NSXs with similar performance.

Nick M

91' Red/Black with Many Mods
99' Honda Odyssey with Many Kids
I would suggest taking the Russel Racing school held at Sears Point. The cars are an open wheel Formula Mitsubishi, and the instruction is top notch. It is a three day school in the heart of wine country. I had probably done about 15 car club drivers school weekends before I went, and I would say that I honestly leared more in the three days at Russel than almost all the other schools combined. Plus, Adrian Fernandez (a CART driver) was there to throw a few pointers out too! It's not cheap, but you get what you pay for, and this is worth every penny. I'm going back this year to take the course with the next fastest cars and slicks.

94 Green/Tan