NSX Decals to Replace Acura on Center Tail Lights.

If I recall correctly, Dali's site had the vector file for free, you just need to get it to a vinyl cutter to get one made.

I have a decal that's ready to install. It's a leftover from when I did my center taillight. I'll sell it to you for $10. PM me if you want it.

send me $10 and i'll mail you the decal.

or send your center tail and $40 and i'll do it for you and mail it back.

click here to see more.
btcog82 said:
couldnt get it to work, just a bunch of code letters

That's because you left clicked on the link. You must right click and save it to your hard drive. Then once on your computer you can double click the file and install it so your PC has it in its font library.
pbassjo said:
I'm not trying to bug you but, you know it's not centered, right? It's a little too far right of center.
you crack me up, joe!!!:biggrin: :biggrin:
goodbye nsxsexxy, hellooooo evof575gtc
Hey, I could be wrong. I've done this a few times too and I never came up with the "X" on the NSX touching the "ring" around the key hole.
Maybe his "NSX" is a different size than the one I use. Just struck me as odd as soon as I saw the pic.
I forgot where I got my "xns.ai" file from but it was a fellow who used to host a site that had a DYI for a engine cover, side vents and this rear lens decal. I believe his name was David Nguyen?

I'm really not trying to be a wise guy. The more I look at it, I guess it's centered but, I'm not used to seeing the "x" butt up against the ring like that. Sorry, I'll zip my lip and go back in my cave now.:redface:
it's skewed to the right , big joe
analysis of the pic revealed edge left letter
@2.7cm of left,right edge 2.6cm on the center
lens imaged to be 12.1cm.....
tooo late on a saturday night for coordinate plots:confused:

lens looks pretty sharp...im planning to defog/reseal my tail this winter.
djdrock said:
Or, get the .eps file direclty from brandsoftheworld.com.


I'm talking about the size, The font is correct.
The one I have is in the correct format(.ai) for most sign shop with vinyl computers. You only need to bring it in on a floppy and they can zip it out in minutes. It comes out in reverse so the adhesive is on the face of the letters.


Now I gotta apologize for thinking it was ok. Shucks, I can't win for losing.:biggrin:
You guys don't want to use the font.


The tracking/kerning of the font will not be correct if you type it out on your computer.

Use the EPS from brandsoftheworld.
I do have and use the NSX font. What you do with the font afterward is take it to a print shop, have them make the correct size, do it in reverse so the adhesive is on the face of the letters and of course have them SAVE the file. That file and the format that it is saved in, .ai, is what sign shop programs use. That is what I have. A ready to use file for the sign shop, with the correct font.
It needs to the the correct font yes, but also important is the character size.
Re: Interior Upstyling

EPS extension is the only way to get a sharp vector image. Otherwise, you will get a bitmap file and it will have jaggies ( not crisp on diagonal lines ) I only use eps files for my headrests and door panel graphics. Most of my work is OEM stuff but if you have a design or would like something designed, let me know. Some ideas can be found here: <p>
Most people just send me their headrest and I'll turn it around in 48 hrs.