NSX Concept 2.0 at NY International Auto Show 2013

28 March 2002
Despite my pleading and perseverance, they would not let me photograph the interior but here the first showing of the NSX Concept at the 2013 NYIAS today.








It's ok, one thing they definitely need to do is fire the wheel design guy! All concepts wheels have looked horrible!
Nice photos, Robert!... interesting details on this concept....looks like it is very low to the ground.
Does the front end slant down as much as the original NSX? The profile doesn't make it look like it does...
What did you think about it in person?
OK Thanks for the photos Robert!

What does your eye say about the looks of this car - your opinion?
When I saw it unveiled in Detroit originally, I didn't care for the photos and preferred the R8. Then I saw it in person last year in NY and liked it much better but didn't feel the same way about it as when I saw the first NSX prototype in NY almost 25 years ago - namely, I didn't feel as though "I had to have it". Seeing it a second time now with an interior I still prefer the R8 and although I like the way it looks I don't see myself buying one. I would rather drive my '96 another 25 years.

Your mileage may vary.......

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NSX 2.0
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It looks a little better in these pictures and I like the Carbon Fiber. But still no engine! Come on Acura, give us a look up your skirt.
Honda fix that front end and your good with me, like my opinion matters:cool:
I like the back, but hate hate hate the front.

And those wheels are just dumb.

Exactly my feelings as well. The front is just wrong, the back is OK, the wheels, totally impractical! Carbon fiber weave on wheels, what are they thinking?
Despite my pleading and perseverance, they would not let me photograph the interior but here the first showing of the NSX Concept at the 2013 NYIAS today.
After "pleading your case" they still wouldn't let you take pictures of the inside? really?
I'm just saying!! LOL.:biggrin:

Thanks for the pictures Robert..
Is it just my eyes, but it looks like there might be a back seat...please say I am wrong.
Hmm, it looks shorter in these pics?

x2. Looks shorter/taller and overall profile looks a bit different as well as the quarter panel window area...

Is it just me?

I do agreed with Bob though, I REALLY prefer the overall look of our cars and don't know if I could justify myself spending the heavy price tag on the new one!!
I think it looks shorter is because the way the picture was taken if not the car was built a bit taller which makes the car looks a little shorter?!

The wheels looks nice to me. The new NSX looks futuristic there for futuristic wheels!
So, I take my NSX out today, gorgeous day, top off (mine's an 02). Pull into the shopping center to do a couple of errands, waiting to back into a nice wide space..............
Woman very excitedly asks me if this is the Acura NSX, I respond in the affirmative. She tells me it's her dream car, and that she's been following the news on it since they announced it over a year ago. I calmly tell her that this is an 11 year old car, not the new one. She seemed very disappointed. Just think how disappointed she'll be when she sees that my car is "prettier" than the new one!!!!
That's funny RPM217.

The new NSX concept looks stunning in these pics IMO. I like pretty much everything about it, including the wheels. :eek::D
So, I take my NSX out today, gorgeous day, top off (mine's an 02). Pull into the shopping center to do a couple of errands, waiting to back into a nice wide space..............
Woman very excitedly asks me if this is the Acura NSX, I respond in the affirmative. She tells me it's her dream car, and that she's been following the news on it since they announced it over a year ago. I calmly tell her that this is an 11 year old car, not the new one. She seemed very disappointed. Just think how disappointed she'll be when she sees that my car is "prettier" than the new one!!!!

Lol ...
Back needs major work. But car looks far better in person. Trust me. However it will look very ugly unless there is a 3rd pedal option. ImageUploadedByTapatalk1364717709.664210.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1364717730.013120.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1364717780.546180.jpgImageUploadedByTapatalk1364717798.447372.jpg