Before Lud created the NSXprime forums, the primary means through which NSX owners communicated with each other and formed an NSX community was through a group of software-based e-mail lists. These were started in December 1994 by Dr. David Hwang, founder of the NSX Club of America, as a single NSX list. Over time, additional lists were added for technical-only information (about the car, not about events or stories), for various geographical regions and locations, and for any topic ("off topic") by the NSX community as "friends". Even after the NSXprime forums became popular in the past few years, many folks have continued to participate on the e-mail lists.
Several years ago, the NSX Club of America took over ownership and management of these e-mail lists, which ran on the club's own server. The lists continued to be active, although the the server was not always reliable and the lists were down from time to time. The club's server finally died this past February.
For those who prefer the format of the e-mail lists, we have rebuilt them on Yahoo Groups, where they will continue to be administered by the NSX Club of America. Yahoo Groups was selected because of its availability, reliability, and cost; in exchange, advertising appears in list posts. We hope that this resolution is the best one we can find and will avoid the reliability problems we have experienced in the past.
All NSX owners and enthusiasts are welcome to join and participate in these lists. For more information about how to do so, see the "Internet Mailing Lists" Section of the FAQ here and scroll down to the heading, "How Do I Join An NSXCA Mailing List?".
Those who were members of these lists before the server crashed have been added as members of the new lists, with two exceptions: former list members are still being added to the "big" (or "international") e-mail list, which should be complete by this Saturday evening, and we are still recovering the member list for the Northwest regional list.
List Policies and Administrators
The policies and administrators for the lists remain unchanged from those in effect when they were on the old server. This information can be viewed from the home page of each list by clicking on "Files" on the left, and then viewing the file called LIST-INFO, which is also sent to each list member upon joining the list. Much of this information is also contained in the FAQ section on "Internet Mailing Lists" on NSXprime, which has been updated to reflect the new location of the lists on Yahoo Groups and the way certain list features work there.
If you have any comments about how the lists are working, please forward them in a private e-mail, either to me, or to the board of directors of the NSX Club of America at [email protected]
Thanks again to everyone for your patience. We hope that you enjoy the continued availability of the e-mail lists as a service to the NSX community.
Before Lud created the NSXprime forums, the primary means through which NSX owners communicated with each other and formed an NSX community was through a group of software-based e-mail lists. These were started in December 1994 by Dr. David Hwang, founder of the NSX Club of America, as a single NSX list. Over time, additional lists were added for technical-only information (about the car, not about events or stories), for various geographical regions and locations, and for any topic ("off topic") by the NSX community as "friends". Even after the NSXprime forums became popular in the past few years, many folks have continued to participate on the e-mail lists.
Several years ago, the NSX Club of America took over ownership and management of these e-mail lists, which ran on the club's own server. The lists continued to be active, although the the server was not always reliable and the lists were down from time to time. The club's server finally died this past February.
For those who prefer the format of the e-mail lists, we have rebuilt them on Yahoo Groups, where they will continue to be administered by the NSX Club of America. Yahoo Groups was selected because of its availability, reliability, and cost; in exchange, advertising appears in list posts. We hope that this resolution is the best one we can find and will avoid the reliability problems we have experienced in the past.
All NSX owners and enthusiasts are welcome to join and participate in these lists. For more information about how to do so, see the "Internet Mailing Lists" Section of the FAQ here and scroll down to the heading, "How Do I Join An NSXCA Mailing List?".
Those who were members of these lists before the server crashed have been added as members of the new lists, with two exceptions: former list members are still being added to the "big" (or "international") e-mail list, which should be complete by this Saturday evening, and we are still recovering the member list for the Northwest regional list.
List Policies and Administrators
The policies and administrators for the lists remain unchanged from those in effect when they were on the old server. This information can be viewed from the home page of each list by clicking on "Files" on the left, and then viewing the file called LIST-INFO, which is also sent to each list member upon joining the list. Much of this information is also contained in the FAQ section on "Internet Mailing Lists" on NSXprime, which has been updated to reflect the new location of the lists on Yahoo Groups and the way certain list features work there.
If you have any comments about how the lists are working, please forward them in a private e-mail, either to me, or to the board of directors of the NSX Club of America at [email protected]
Thanks again to everyone for your patience. We hope that you enjoy the continued availability of the e-mail lists as a service to the NSX community.