NSX Chat site

13 May 2006
The Netherlands

I have setup a small chat site because NSX Prime's chat function is offline.

Sorry for the bad looks made it in less then a hour.:tongue:
will improve the systems looks when I get time.

Happy chating!:smile:
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Some tips for using NSX Chat:

Use your NSX Prime user name so every one knows how you are

Try and make a your own text colour helps prevent confusion.

Be polite and nice (duh)
:) Happy chating :)

Make a chat event/night/etc that might be nice!

and if you have comments or things to add mail me!
Thanks yeah noticed that the speed is not up to my normal standarts but i think thats in the chat system it's self

Let's organize some chat events:

just post your ideas/events!

Here is a time tabel for the USA when it might work out for some of us:
New York (U.S.A. - New York) at 9:00:00 PM UTC-5 hours EST
Chicago (U.S.A. - Illinois) at 8:00:00 PM UTC-6 hours CST
Denver (U.S.A. - Colorado) at 7:00:00 PM UTC-7 hours MST
Los Angeles (U.S.A. - California) at 6:00:00 PM UTC-8 hours PST
Corresponding UTC (GMT)at 02:00:00

Here is a time tabel for europe:
London (U.K. - England) at 7:00:00 PM UTC GMT
Amsterdam (Netherlands) at 8:00:00 PM UTC+1 hour CET
Athens (Greece) at 9:00:00 PM UTC+2 hours EET
Corresponding UTC (GMT) at 19:00:00


London (U.K. - England)at 6:00:00 PM UTC GMT
Amsterdam (Netherlands)at 7:00:00 PM UTC+1 hour CET
Athens (Greece)at 8:00:00 PM UTC+2 hours EET

Europe could even have a 2 Hour chat event

Here are some more idea's let's have a prospective owners night where they can get some answers to there questions.

What do you think of that?

What would be the best date for the US and Europe chat events?

Plus you can use HTML in the chat and smilies
<TABLE cellSpacing=5 cellPadding=3 border=0><TBODY><TR vAlign=bottom><TD align=middle width=50 height=15>
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Chat system updated system runs much better now. and there are new chat rooms :) !
Hugh said:
Nothing to worry about. She looked fabulous when I saw her last week. :smile:
And Mr. Hughert lookx very happy & healthy !!!! And Pops luv''d the Pecan Pie!!! :biggrin:
Has anyone ever purchased seats on ebay? You know which ones Im talking about. The 2 for $134.00. Seems like their alway's trying to sell them so someone must be buying them. I just bought the Recaro pole position seats from SOS (greatest company ever!!:smile: ). The total for my two Recaro seats are $1,922. If I had bought the ones from ebay I could have saved alot of money. Was this the right purchase? My 92 has the usual rip on the driver side bolster.
yellow-scorpion said:
Has anyone ever purchased seats on ebay? You know which ones Im talking about. The 2 for $134.00. Seems like their alway's trying to sell them so someone must be buying them. I just bought the Recaro pole position seats from SOS (greatest company ever!!:smile: ). The total for my two Recaro seats are $1,922. If I had bought the ones from ebay I could have saved alot of money. Was this the right purchase? My 92 has the usual rip on the driver side bolster.
You can't nor ever will go wrong with Chris/SOS * :)
yellow-scorpion said:
Has anyone ever purchased seats on ebay? You know which ones Im talking about. The 2 for $134.00. Seems like their alway's trying to sell them so someone must be buying them. I just bought the Recaro pole position seats from SOS (greatest company ever!!:smile: ). The total for my two Recaro seats are $1,922. If I had bought the ones from ebay I could have saved alot of money. Was this the right purchase? My 92 has the usual rip on the driver side bolster.

Maybe you posted in the wrong section :confused: The topic is NSX chat :biggrin:
Maybe you posted in the wrong section :confused: The topic is NSX chat :biggrin:
hehehe.... ;)

Oh my !!! That is the cutest pic of your 'lil lady~ (but she's gonna kick your bootie 10 years from now and say "Daddddd, how embarassing " hehe e ;) !! You're a great proud father!!! Nothing more important in this world~~ :) .... Absolutely beautiful!! :)
think there might be some CONFUSION this is about the NSX Chat WEB SITE AND SYSTEM you are very welcome to chat on the NSX Chat web site! :):D
The next chat event's dates have bean set:
The New & Prospective Owner chat event will be at 10 December. (SUNDAY)

Please come to NSX Chat at:
North American time:

New York (U.S.A. - New York) at 9:00:00 PM UTC-5 hours EST
Chicago (U.S.A. - Illinois) at 8:00:00 PM UTC-6 hours CST
Denver (U.S.A. - Colorado) at 7:00:00 PM UTC-7 hours MST
Los Angeles (U.S.A. - California) at 6:00:00 PM UTC-8 hours PST
Corresponding UTC (GMT) at 02:00:00

European times:
London (U.K. - England) at 7:00:00 PM UTC GMT
Amsterdam (Netherlands) at 8:00:00 PM UTC+1 hour CET
Athens (Greece) at 9:00:00 PM UTC+2 hours EET
Corresponding UTC (GMT) at 19:00:00

I have updated and improved the system.
So every one come This sunday (10Dec) to the chat event!
22:00PM (Major bugs have bean fixed)
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