NSX Chat Room.......

22 March 2000
Planet Earth
I was just doing some searching around here and found the chat room. Why aren't we taking advantage of this feature. It would be interesting to actually "chat" in realtime about anything, especially our NSX's!

Anyone else interested??

everynite i have an acura world car chat for those who have aol or instant messenger ,,,,,,,instant messenger is free by the way ... ill check back for anyone who post there aol/instant messenger ID and add them to the list.
Originally posted by nsxtasy:
Gee, I thought that's what we were doing in the topic that NetViper started...

I miss that thread too, just when it was getting interesting....
Checked in, but nobody home!

I'll hang around in there for a bit see if anyone shows - its 8:50 pdt right now

[This message has been edited by D'Ecosse (edited 22 August 2002).]
The key is to set up a time and a topic for discussion and announce it ahead of time. Anyone have some suggestions and want to take the initiative on that?

P.S. My only gripe with the chat function is that if you have a really good discussion, it is "lost" after the chat is over, unlike the message forums where people can come back later and read the information.
I was thinking more along the lines of a good'ol social chat session. It would be fun to be able to talk with some other owners all over the world about anything in general. I have met some very fascinating people through such forums, and even formed some nice friendships. All because of a common interest: Cars.
Originally posted by Lud:
P.S. My only gripe with the chat function is that if you have a really good discussion, it is "lost" after the chat is over, unlike the message forums where people can come back later and read the information.

Usually, not always.
***P.S. My only gripe with the chat function is that if you have a really good discussion, it is "lost" after the chat is over, unlike the message forums where people can come back later and read the information.***

I thought that everything in the chat can be saved in a log file???
Originally posted by ilya:
I thought that everything in the chat can be saved in a log file???

Depends on the chat server/client. This is a Java interface to an IRC server. There is no provision for logging on the server side. There may be a way to do it on the client side - I haven't played with it that much to be honest. There are other chat engines out there that probably do provide logging. If chats get popular I'll look around.
I actually enjoy "chatting" - I've had some nice chats with a couple of people I've met through 'Prime on a one - one basis using AOL's IM. A multiple member session would be interesting. Since I saw this post by Dr. Lane yesterday, I've popped my head in many times but there's never anyone there.
I really doubt the value of logging chats though - can't think of anything more boring to read after the fact compared to it when "live".
I would suggest if anything interesting comes out of a chat session, those involved can paraphrase it down to the salient points & post on the forum, where it will pick up a whole new momentum I'm sure.
Just my 1.3p worth (at current exchange rate of 1 Pound Sterling = 1.5 USD)

[This message has been edited by D'Ecosse (edited 23 August 2002).]
Originally posted by Lud:
The key is to set up a time and a topic for discussion and announce it ahead of time. Anyone have some suggestions and want to take the initiative on that?

P.S. My only gripe with the chat function is that if you have a really good discussion, it is "lost" after the chat is over, unlike the message forums where people can come back later and read the information.
lud, could you not set it up like irc so we could log the chat session. did it for years on irc.and like you said announce a topic of the night starting at x time and those involved log the chat session..just an idea.dont know how to inable web based chat logging as it is very differnent animal then irc.any ideas.perhaps thier is some shareware that does it.i will do some research.saving a hot topic tech chat would be awesome..duh I should have kept reading the thread as you all got into the irc and logging already.i just read to your post and replyed oh well sorry for the redundent post

[This message has been edited by BadCarma (edited 27 August 2002).]