Nsx Chat Room

27 November 2002
Come Log in the nsx chat room every sunday at 6pm eastern time for nsx talk with the rest of prime live.......this chat will go on till whenever so log on now!
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OK just to bump this thread and remind everyone that every sunday at 10pm eastern time/New york there will be a Nsx Chat in the nsx prime chat room just click it and sign in with your nsx prime name. See you all on tonight
Mr.Wolf said:
Mr. Acura NsX Pilot, let me help. I have a degree in Marketing.

Tonight a group of my 'Lady Friends' will be using the chat facilities. :D
First in, first served. :D

Lmfao....yes your right as usual.....i bet this invitation works well for other situations also.
hmmm... after seeing the number of links u guyz posted tonight, i think it should be renamed from "chat room" to "porn room". :eek:
you might get more visitors that way. :rolleyes:
NeoNSX said:
hmmm... after seeing the number of links u guyz posted tonight, i think it should be renamed from "chat room" to "porn room". :eek:
you might get more visitors that way. :rolleyes:

What goes on in the chat room ......stays in the chat room. Other wise we will have to call Mr Wolf.......lol

It was a great chat this weekend...id like to thank all that attended including Lud,neo,ojas,ak,joel,phonex,osiris,DocL.....if i missed anyone its because it was 2:18 am when the chat ended and i must be suffering from memory lapse. See you all next sunday starting at 10PM eastern standard time/usa till when ever.
It was a good chat. I couldn't believe that I found other NSX crazies in there at 2:00am when I logged on. :D

Acura Pilot, PM me if you want to go over some techniques with the 10D.

I guess I'll be chatting with the usuall suspects next week.
thanks Doc .... im just getting used to the cam .... most of the time i have to take pics fast and that dosent even allow me time to look into the view finder .....the other problem that i encountered was taking some shots in low lighting/dark club atmosphere....it was hard to see if the subject was focused and maybe i didnt wait long enough for the image to come into full focus as well before i hitt the shutter button......but in time i will learn all my faults and get really good with this cam.
Acura NsX Pilot said:
.... most of the time i have to take pics fast and that dosent even allow me time to look into the view finder ...

There's your main problem. This camera, like any other SLR requires you to look and compose each picture carefully. You may still need to use a point and shoot camera for those low light pictures if you can't focus correctly. Remember, it's not the camera that takes the picture, it's the idiot behind the camera. :cool:

NeoNSX said:
hmmm... after seeing the number of links u guyz posted tonight, i think it should be renamed from "chat room" to "porn room". :eek:
you might get more visitors that way. :rolleyes:

NEO, NEO, NEO... We were just representin' the 'x in NSX... :cool: haha, no man- those talented actresses were just fans of the NSX, no lie...:p
Sunday Daily Nsx Chat

NsxPrime Live will now be starting at 6pm Sunday eastern time till whenever.....please come log into the chat room with your forum name and enjoy live time chat with your fellow nsxers