Nsx Chat Room

I went in and talked for a couple of minutes till I got kicked off the puter. :(
Something HAS to be done about those pop ups though. I won't go in there much anymore because of them.:mad:
Just a heads up lets all meet up on sunday nite at 10pm eastern time i guess that would be 7 pm for you west coast guys n gals.See everyone in the chat room then.
there is a #NSX channel on EFNET, IRC

download the program MIRC

choose an EFNET server in the Server list


then type /join #NSX in the status window

Acura NsX Pilot said:
Just a heads up lets all meet up on sunday nite at 10pm eastern time i guess that would be 7 pm for you west coast guys n gals.See everyone in the chat room then.
That sounds good to me. I should be back from Orlando by then.