NSX by Summer (hopefully)

14 January 2008
Hey guys, finally got my account active. I've been lurking for about 2 years and in constant search of an NSX. I currently own a 2007 Imola Orange S2000 (colour only available in Canada) w/ lip and rear wing. It's my 3rd S. I recently tried to obtain a 2002 silver NSX-T but it didn't end up working out.

I will be mainly using my toy on the weekends/track days, if anyone has any leads on something under 100k miles that's uber clean, I'd appreciate it very much.

I'm finally glad I joined, there looks to be a very mature crowd here, I recognize some of the user names too from S2ki.

Cheers guys
We need pics of that S2000. Pics or Ban! I wish that color was available here. Love Imola Orange! Welcome to Prime:biggrin:
they really make the S2000 in Imola Orange in Canada? A few years ago, I heard a rumor that they were going to offer that color here, but in the end they didn't because they said it actually cost quite a bit more to paint that color at the factory. Was that just bs?
Welcome to the forums.Nice to see another fellow Canadian.
they really make the S2000 in Imola Orange in Canada? A few years ago, I heard a rumor that they were going to offer that color here, but in the end they didn't because they said it actually cost quite a bit more to paint that color at the factory. Was that just bs?

I know, I heard that too. Never sure the real reason why it never worked out?:confused:
Welcome:smile: Good Luck on your Quest...
Welcome aboard, and good luck on your search.
Thanks guys, I actually found a few used, older NSX's for sale on the board here. I can post a few pics of my past S's...I didn't take any of the imola yet (will soon).

What's the take on higher Km NSX's? Do you think one with 120-160miles is still ok or is that too high for something weekend/track?



An NSX with 120Km is nothing, some guys here are at 200K miles, with few problems.

Maintenance history is the key, so check it out.

If you need some help just drop me a PM.
