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NSX Book


Registered Member
9 April 2002
Castro Valley, CA, USA
I'm looking for the "NSX Technical Information and Development History" book , the one with the full black cover, not the one with the black and silver cover. It has the number E4131 in small print on the bottom of one of the last pages. Haven't seen one on eBay in a while and I thought I would try here.

I have an extra copy of the black and silver one if anyone would like to trade (up or down) for the one I need.

Those are quite a bit tougher to find than the silver & black bound book. I did find one on eBay about a month ago. It had no picture, and had a poor discription, so I assume many people didn't know which one it was. Went for $110.00.
Are you sure that one you saw was the all black book? I think I bought that one on eBay about a month ago thinking, from the description, (it had no photo) that it was the black one and it turned out to be the black and silver one!!! That's why I have one I can trade!! The seller was good, though - he did refund half my money when I contacted him about the mixup. (Another good reason why you can't do too much research when buying items sight unseen!! At least this lesson was inexpensive.)

Part of the reason I got fooled is that in the description in the FAQ's here it sounds like both books have the black and silver cover.

PS: Just looked at the FAQ's and they have been changed recently to clearly show the differences between the two Acura books.

Still Looking!!
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Edd said:
Are you sure that one you saw was the all black book?
Yes, I'm sure. It is sitting right next to me...:D I bought it.
As I said, it had no pic, and a poor discription, but I asked enough of the right questions of the seller to figure out which one it was.