nsx bashing

5 February 2003
i was *ahem* browsing the ferrarichat.com boards when i came across this pearler of a thread in the general ferrari discussion forum, entitled "nsx vs 328"

the best line was "the nsx is a great car but has no soul and thats why it never caught on with the real exotic car followers."

sorry for not linking, i have no idea how!

So many ignorant comments (not just towards the nsx either)
ajnsx said:
i was *ahem* browsing the ferrarichat.com boards when i came across this pearler of a thread in the general ferrari discussion forum, entitled "nsx vs 328"

the best line was "the nsx is a great car but has no soul and thats why it never caught on with the real exotic car followers."

sorry for not linking, i have no idea how!

So many ignorant comments (not just towards the nsx either)

LOL, that's like saying "the 328 is a great car but has no spirit and thats why it never caught on wiht the real RACE car followers!":rolleyes:
I think they have some very good points about the NSX and the 308. It is natural for them to defend their choice of car just like we would defend the NSX.

Some of the statements at Ferrarichat are hilarious. One owner was pushing his Ferrari, because it was 5 blocks to home or the shop, and when asked why he was pushing his car he said he would rather push a Ferrari than drive a Porsche.

Another owner is thinking about selling the 348 for a 355 but it has to be the exact same colour so the wife hopefully won't notice the upgrade.
This is another quote "I have driven an NSX and I know it's a great car, but it is a Jap interpretation of a Ferrari and I found it quite "sterile" to drive. The seating postion is not the greatest, but I am 6' and have no space problems. The steering wheel is adjustable, but you do have to use a pair of wrenches. "

My steering wheel is adjustable by hand. Are there models that need wrenches to adjust?:confused:
Litesokneecough said:
This is another quote "I have driven an NSX and I know it's a great car, but it is a Jap interpretation of a Ferrari and I found it quite "sterile" to drive. The seating postion is not the greatest, but I am 6' and have no space problems. The steering wheel is adjustable, but you do have to use a pair of wrenches. "

My steering wheel is adjustable by hand. Are there models that need wrenches to adjust?:confused:


He was referring to his Ferrari when he said the seating position is not the greatest and the steering wheel position has to be adjusted with a wrench.
I started that post

I was considering 3X8's and NSX's. I got a few emails from ferrarichat people advising me to buy the NSX. Honda quality was most often used.

I just got back from a 4 day weekend in Boxster Heaven at


and as discussed on


Boxster people are great. And I love the car, but if I make a change it will be to an NSX-T.

BTW - there was a new Ferrari 355 Spyder at BRBS. A recent convert from Boxsterville. It rained Friday night through Saturday afternoon in Blowing Rock, NC. The Ferrari owner had to put towels in the gaps between the roof and the windows in his new Ferrari to try to keep his car from getting flooded!

I will choose a quality product over a lesser product anyday.

I had a 74 Lotus Europa Twin Cam Special I bought brand new. At that time I put up with the quality issues because I liked the way the car handled and there was no alternative.

Today we have alternatives.
Having come across so many of those threads over the years it dosent bother me any more......i know what i got and i accept what it is .... " A RELIABLE EXOTIC CAR" .
Well, I said it there and Ill repeat it here... Any discussion with F-car enthusiasts is going to tend to head towards "well, it's not a Ferrari", so that kind of sums it up what you're dealing with. Even Ferrari vs. Lambo debates become "well, it's not a Ferrari". I guess this is similar to the "it's still a Dodge, it's still a Chevy, it's still a Honda, it's still a Toyota" mentality.

What bugs me more than all of that though, is the "Jap crap" this, "damn Jap garbage" that type comments. I cant help but think that that type of junk (which the domestic guys also love spewing) really crosses the line from brand loyalty to outright racism.

All of the "Japanese cars have no soul" BS is really Euro and American bigotry if you ask me. Many Americans and Europeans just can't deal with how well Japan has done (and how stiff the competition from the East is).
I will gladly keep my inferior NSX/MR2 combination, thankyou!. Guess eastern cars really suck,
They are not true enthusiasts then. I would still buy an NSX if it was made by Kia but the quality was all the same. I'll like a car for what it is, not judge it by its badge.
They would still buy Ferrari's because that is what they love/lust for just as some of you/us lust/lusted for NSXs.

Can you explain to a owner of a Jag E type that his/her car is slow and old and outdated and that he/she could of bought a NSX for less?

No. They bought the Jag because they for some reason or another loved the Jag.

Some people, despite having comical relaiblity and build quality, will still buy a Ferrari, because they love it. Other people can't undertand why.

Some people, despite being able to get from A to B with a 35k volvo, will opt for a far more espensive car. And other people will not be able to get it.

Some people, despite being able to get a faster car for less, will opt for a far more espensive NSX. And other people will not be able to get it.

Some people, despite being able to a far better import car for the same, will opt for domestic. And other people will not be able to get it.

People are werid....:p
Well, i think those guys are kindof right (comparing Ferraris with most Japanese cars). Ferraris have some kind of spiritual connections with the driver that is kind of hard to explain. Given the extensive history that Ferrari has, they have built some of the best sports cars in the world. Sports cars are their forte.

I don't think any of the f-drivers feel the need to defend their cars, some things are just obvious (Ferraris are just all-out awesome cars).

This is not to say that only Ferraris have soul, every car has one, some are either more sporty, aggressive or even spirited. Some cars may be fast, but boring as hell to drive. If Ferraris sucked, then i wonder what kind of cars do F1 drivers drive on their off days? Nothing can compare if you've got the money.
in my perfect world, being standed and having to fork over several thousand dollars for repairs would not be stress inducing. I'd have nothing but time and money.

in my current not so perfect world I drive my almost perfect nsx. Doesnt break down, doesnt cost much to maintain, and doesnt ever cause me stress. My nsx is my great stress reliever, which is exactly why i bought an exotic sports car. As much as I love ferraris, worrying about repairs would drive me crazy.
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Ferrari was created after WWII, around 1947. Honda only 1 year later. So, in essence, Ferrari is just as old as Honda. And Honda is still Honda while Ferrari is just a part of Fiat. Apart from that, Honda, again AFAIK, still develops most parts themselves, including transmissions, FI-systems, brakes etc. while most other brands just buy it. Nothing wrong with that of course but in that respect any Honda is more Honda than a Ferrari is Ferrari.

As for cars having soul, I'm not even convinced that people have one, let alone a inanimate object like a car.
Of course, cars bring out emotions in people and to that I can only say that some cars bring out different ones in different people. With that, I cannot and will not argue.
To each his own...
Yeah, and every car manufacturer has some kind of history, some more interesting than others. Usually connected to one man who had a vision. To me, Mr Honda's passion is great, in fact I don't know who Enzo is (apart from he made Ferrari), Enzo is a great guy for Ferrari owners and to Italians, and Mr S.Honda is a god to a Japanese Honda maniac like myself. Honda was a motor bike manufacturer, and developed its technology for bike racing, hence the cars today have quality and innovative engines. Ford's vision was to build cheap cars and mass produce, which it still does...
Newer the company, harder it is to get accepted by people. For example, Lotus Elan (M100) was said to be the greatest front wheel drive car ever produced, but now that they are made by Kia (a Korean company), no one praise it.
Some American people say Jap crap cars and drives home in their Chev or what ever, same with British with Jag (although its not owned by them anymore), but when they get home, they switch on their SONY TV (Sony is Japanese by the way, not American, there was a survey about this and something like 80% of Americans thinks...).
MvM said:
Correct me if I'm wrong, but Ferrari was created after WWII, around 1947. Honda only 1 year later. So, in essence, Ferrari is just as old as Honda. And Honda is still Honda while Ferrari is just a part of Fiat. Apart from that, Honda, again AFAIK, still develops most parts themselves, including transmissions, FI-systems, brakes etc. while most other brands just buy it. Nothing wrong with that of course but in that respect any Honda is more Honda than a Ferrari is Ferrari.

Despite being part of Fiat, Ferrari does indeed develop the majority of its own parts and such, save FI, which it has specially developed with Bosch. But the others you mention they do indeed make themselves...the only things they take of the fiat line are items to keep costs low, like often times heater cores, (long ago) switchs, relays and such that if Ferrari did develop would balloon the cost of manufacture...since production runs for even the best selling Ferrari is only 8000 units.

Oh and remember, in when Enzo was alive, he was more famous in Italy than the Pope.
In fact, this independance is something Ferrari prides itself in...despite being often termed as owned by Fiat, they are not.

The Fiat family owns Ferrari; and they are not part of the Fiat Motor Corp...something GM is ticked at now since Ferrari is the best of the Italian auto companies in terms of profit and such.
It's fine for Ferrari, Jag, Porsche, or whatever enthusiasts to love their brand. There's a difference, however, between loving your particular "cup of tea" against all convential logic and finding it impossible to acknowledge that there are other, worthy, alternatives.

It's really only in the Euro crowds that you see this casual write off of an entire continent. Saying that "all Japanese cars are crap grocery getters with no soul, passion or heritage" is assinine and yet it's the MOST common criticism leveled against Japanese cars on any Euro marque forum.

I find that there aren't all that many TRUE *enthusiasts* in the Ferrari and Porsche crowds. There are plenty of brand bigots, but not many TRUE enthusiasts. A true automotive enthusiast doesn't write off the life work of a man like Soichiro Honda by calling him a "damn Jap". The man was a juggernaut; a true giant of the industry with a story easily as rich and emotionally powerful as Enzo's, Fiorucci's or Henry's... Grrr... get's my blood boiling... I'll chill now...

"To me, success can be achieved only through repeated failure and introspection. In fact, success represents 1 percent of your work and results from the 99 percent that is called failure."

-Soichiro Honda

Yeah... no passion or soul could have come from that guy...
spookyp said:
A true automotive enthusiast doesn't write off the life work of a man like Soichiro Honda by calling him a "damn Jap". The man was a juggernaut; a true giant of the industry with a story easily as rich and emotionally powerful as Enzo's, Fiorucci's or Henry's... Grrr... get's my blood boiling... I'll chill now...

"To me, success can be achieved only through repeated failure and introspection. In fact, success represents 1 percent of your work and results from the 99 percent that is called failure."

-Soichiro Honda
That's beautiful, spooky.
but when they get home, they switch on their SONY TV (Sony is Japanese by the way, not American, there was a survey about this and something like 80% of Americans thinks...). [/B][/QUOTE]

I think some one should send that line to the F club and see how there response is. HAHAHAHA!!!


Last year I bought a Brand neew Oddessy and the Honda dealer asked me, why I choose a Honda - and you know what I told the guy. Is there any other too choose from. All I have ever owned is a Honda except I do have a Mercedes a 95 C36AMG and I hate it. But the wife wont let me sell it. I live for HONDA!!!!! NSX FOREVER!