Today I was filling up air in my daily driver GSR using the NSX air pump. I ran the pump about a minute for each wheel (inflates about 6psi/minute) with about a minute or two on non operation as I went to set it up for the next tire. After I was done with the last tire, I pulled out my GSR's spare tire which had 32psi and needed to be at 60psi. I label on the pump stated not run it for no more than 15 minutes continuously. I ran it for two minutes and it stopped. I thought it just may have stopped automatically to prevent it from overheating. I took my bike pump and inflated the spare to the right pressure. About 10 minutes later, I plugged the NSX air pump in the cig lighter and it still didn't operate. My guess is that it requires more than 10 minutes to cool. I'll check it in a couple days. Wonder if it broke. What do you think?