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Unfortunately, the terms used when discussing aerodynamic drag aren’t standardized. In the induced vs. parasitic drag chart above, I assume the author defined parasitic drag as the combination of viscous drag and form drag.


Viscous drag (also known as skin friction drag): The drag created when air flows over a surface instead of flowing in a free stream. The first layer of air molecules over the car’s surface is clinging to it, practically standing still. The air molecules just above those move a little bit faster. Only several millimeters above the car’s bodywork is the air at its normal free stream speed. That layer of air moving below the free stream speed is called the boundary layer. When the air sticks to the surface of the vehicle instead of moving at its free stream speed, drag is created.

Form drag (sometimes called pressure drag): This is the drag caused by the basic shape of the vehicle itself. Cars do not have particularly aerodynamic shapes compared to airplanes or raindrops. The blunt front ends, sharp transitions from the windshield to the side windows, wheels jutting out into the airflow below, wheel cutouts along the sides, etc. all cause drag.

Induced drag (also known as vortex drag): The drag caused when air is put into a spin between areas of high and low pressure. Wings keep airplanes aloft by creating areas of low pressure on top and areas of high pressure beneath. At the wing tips, the high pressure air below tries to spill up into the low pressure zone above. As it does that, it is put into a spin – those are the trailing vortices you can sometimes see. To put the air into a spin energy is required and that’s drag on the airplane. The winglets modern airplanes have are air dams that try to prevent the high pressure air below from rotating up into the low pressure zone above. The endplates on race car rear wings serve the same function. If you could make the winglets or endplates infinitely large, you could probably completely get rid of the induced drag. However, that’s firstly not possible and secondly you’d then have infinitely high skin friction drag.

Interpretation of the induced vs. parasitic drag chart above

The induced vs. parasitic drag chart above is for an airplane wing. Airplane wings have very aerodynamic shapes so they have little form drag but the higher the speed, the higher the skin friction drag will be. The induced drag is directly proportional to the wing’s lift coefficient – how much lift it generates per mph. The airplane weighs a certain amount and at high speeds the wing only has to generate a small amount of lift per mph to keep it afloat. At low speeds, however, the wing has to generate a lot of lift per mph and that causes tightly spinning vortices at the wingtips. The chart shows that at a certain airspeed you minimize the sum of skin friction and induced drag. Above or below that airspeed, overall drag increases.


In general, you want to reduce overall drag. The winglets on the tips of modern airplane wings reduce overall drag because they decrease the induced drag more than they increase the skin friction drag. Properly designed rear diffusers on cars do the same thing, decreasing overall drag just as Ty B explained above. And in addition to decreasing overall drag, they can help you generate net downforce at the same time.


For an NSX, I personally think the aerodynamically best thing to do would be to give it standard 2002+ bodywork, lower the car as far as is acceptable for you, put wheel spoilers in front of all four wheels, and build a completely smooth underbody with a diffuser that is angled upwards 3-5° and starts as far forward as possible. The car would still be perfectly practical but drag and lift would both be reduced. If you need more downforce over the front or rear axle, you will need to start sacrificing straight line speed with a steeper rear diffuser, a bigger (perhaps 2002+ NSX-R) rear wing, a front splitter, etc. All those things are likely to increase drag and make your car slower in a straight line but they may make it faster in turns.
