NSX AC ISSUE HELP!!R-12 to R-134a


15 July 2009
OK here it is, I have a 1992 NSX, My car had no AC to begin with,,just did the retrofit from R-12 to R-134a with sealer because i know the AC Compressor works,,,before i took it to the dealer and get robbed,, trying to fix it myself save a few ya know,,,anyway when you click AC you here it kick in, and the idle shift up a little, anyway did the conversion, the passenger side door blows ICE COLD!!! the driver side door blows warm,, the center vents are the same, passenger kinda cold, driver warm,, I have removed everything to get to the blower under the dash and can visiblly see the doors are opening and closing like they should, the air intake just forks off into two directions, so how can only warm air come from driverside door? its weird,, I called Acura they said that there is a valve stuck closed,, but where I figured he was refering to the blower under the dash,,like my old 93 accord, so i checked the intake from under the hood, to see if it was clogged with leaves or something, and it was clean as a whistle minus the dust,, has anyone had this problem and what did you do to resolve it? after drving for months now with no air here in Tampa, its killing me,, but with only the passengerside blowing ICE COld, it takes awhile to cool the whole cabin its better than nothing i guess Help!!
This is a typical sign of low freon. Sounds like you do not have enough in there yet:).

How much should i have in there? The Gauge says 45 psi, should i have more in there? and if i over fill what would happen? I dont want the thing to blow up in my face!! yikes!! what do you think?
Admittedly I am not a fluent A/C guy. I can only point you to the service manual as a reference. I have had many folks comment over the years about this issue and it was always low freon.

Larry is correct, low freon causes this issue on our NSX. The only reason why I think this happens is that the driver side vents are further from the blower motor. Plus the way the ducts are routed.

One other thing to check is to make sure both condensor fans are working. There are two separate fuses for them. If your pressure is 45 on the low side, what is the pressure for the high side?? You may need to have the a/c system vacuumed out then put new freon.

On the issue with the half lit CCU, contact BrianK, he can repair them as they cost ~$700 new from Acura.
How much should i have in there? The Gauge says 45 psi, should i have more in there? and if i over fill what would happen? I dont want the thing to blow up in my face!! yikes!! what do you think?


It all depends on your ambient temperature (atmospheric temp). I happen to have a gauge here with the info.

If Amb. Temp is: Low Side Gauge should read:
65F (18C) 25-35#(172-241 kPa)
70F (21C) 35-40#(241-276 kPa)
75F (24C) 35-45#(241-310 kPa)
80F (27C) 40-50#(276-345 kPa)
85F (29C) 45-55#(310-379 kPa)
90F (32C) 45-55#(310-379 kPa)
95F (35C) 50-55#(345-379 kPa)
100F (38C) 50-55#(345-379 kPa)
105F (41C) 50-55#(345-379 kPa)
110F (43C) 50-55#(345-379 kPa)

Filled max pressure is 45# at STP (standard temp. and pressure).
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Thanks for all of you help Guys,, I have learned alot and after reading larrys post last night I went and put another can of 134a in the car,, it is blowing Ice cold air,on both drivers side and passenger side, yeahhh!! I still was scared about how much freon I should put in,,, so i called Acura dealership here in tampa, and actually spoke with a mechanic,, he said that the psi should read about 45psi On the LOW side,,, while the High side should read around 119-199 psi,, so im good, I can only test the low side but its right at 45psi,, so thanks to all you guys on NSXPRIME,, any NSX owner here in tampa???besides me,, I never see any!! like Johnny Cash said " cuz I have the only one there is around "