NSTeXPO 2007


Lets try to do it before it gets too hot please. Otherwise fall. Doesn't need to be the whole Shindig(SP?). How about just a morning drive in the Hill country with lunch and subsequent Karting in Austin?
Where is Sam when we need him??? He has been awfully quiet since he **cough** "retired" **cough**.
Oh, it is because NSXCaliforniapo just doesn't sound right.:biggrin:

Why would they Crap on you guys for having a State mtng.:confused:

Btw, we need to do SOMETHING. I need a new shirt. My goofy blue NSXTEXPO T shirt has shrunk and I look like a teenage kid wearing it.
I need a new shirt. My goofy blue NSXTEXPO T shirt has shrunk and I look like a teenage kid wearing it.

Ritesh, are you sure the shirt shrunk, or are you packing on the lbs!? Every time I see you, you are eating at a restaurant. :tongue: :biggrin:

So if we could plan it this yr, what city do y'all recommend? Austin? Houston? DFW?

I would love it if it was in Houston, because that would be soooo convenient. But honestly, I love the Austin drives. I have yet to be on a famous rural drive that Sam plans, so that maybe a good option as well. Thinking about it, might be better than Austin, as we would not have nearly as much traffic, stops, lights, etc in rural areas.
I would recommend Austin because the roads are AWESOME!!! Austin/SA group can be our host. Its in the middle of the state - So Dallas people and Houston people will show up. Dallas would be easy for me but Dallas is far for Houston people. The Dallas group is not active and they don't have any experience with TEXPO. The guys who led NSXPO in 2002 are not active anymore or sold their NSX.

Btw, I am busy the 1st wknd in May but I can always change it.