Novice Track Day at Watkins Glenn May 1 and 2

4 November 2007
Westchester County, NY
So who is going to this event? I have already signed up for both days and am wondering who else will be there. The event is almost sold out for Novices so you better hurry if you want to go. $270 per day is not bad.

what group is running it?
When is everyone arriving? I should be there Friday late afternoon early evening if anyone wants to get together for diner. I will be staying at the Falls Motel and driving the 996tt, not the X. PM me if you want to get together on Friday or I'll see y'all at the track in the AM.

Wish I could go,save an open seat at dinner,and just make believe.......:wink:
Damn:eek: and to think I trusted you when you begged me to buy you a trinket at Tiffiny:rolleyes: