"Notice": Revised reserved parking area @ Irvine C&C NSX Marque event

28 September 2008
Hello fellow NSX'ers! For all those planning on attending the Saturday, January 31 Special NSX Marque event at the Irvine Cars & Coffee, please note our revised reserved parking area.

The NSX show lot is now comprised of the corral area (area to the right of the driveway entrance) and a large portion of the Mazda parking lot. Utilizing the Mazda lot is usually not part of the typical C&C car show area. It was arranged especially for us and the large group (currently at 88 cars!) we will have. This should help "keep the peace" with the non-NSX group while still providing us with a general gathering area.

I and a couple of volunteers (still need one more!) will help with the parking and to direct traffic. We will likely have to employ some stacked parking to fit us all in.

Note: We have the entire corral area, not half as indicated on the attached map. This will give us a total of about 90-95 parking spaces plus how many extra we can fit with some stacked parking. I estimate we will accommodate about 100 cars or a little more. Should our turnout exceed our reserved parking, those late commers can simply park in the general show lot.

The weather is going to be spectacular this weekend so get out your detail kits and make' em shine.



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