Note to New and Prospective Owners

16 April 2007
DEAR PERSON WHO doesn’t have an NSX yet but will someday:
As you undoubtedly have already surmised, the NSX is a gorgeous car. Great design, among other things, has made you to want it, which in turn has led you here. But perhaps you haven’t prepared yourself for the degree of public approbation you will encounter when you have the car at last.
It comes at you at odd times and when you least expect it, but it comes steadily: you will be approached by complete strangers with complements, and questions; guys love the car but there will be women with enough curiosity to strike up a conversation; passers-by will give you thumbs-up; other drivers will race to catch up just to snap a cell-phone picture; drivers of truly expensive, ultra-high performance machines will chat you up at the gas station.
This is the adoration response, which seems to be triggered by the MR layout of the car, and aided by tasteful design.
Think of it this way: this must be what it is like to be attractive. Or to be more concise: you are driving the automotive equivalent of a svelte, big-boobed, green-eyed blonde. The NSX closely resembles what many people want when they envision themselves in a fantasy-mobile, zipping down the highway, carefree, wind in their hair.
The car is 17 years old and people still love it, and I don’t see that changing unless the next Corvette has the engine in the middle, thereby cheapening the whole mid-engine layout.
You won’t be mobbed, future owner. But the love comes steadily, day after day, year after year.
Get ready.
Well put Randall, that said I have seen your GF/fiance and she is definately NSX quality.:biggrin: Seems you've got the best of both worlds.:wink:
Ahhh.... the perks of owning a great car. It does bother me though when some people don't know what a NSX is and say "WOW, is that a 2007? Corvette right? No? It's Viper then right?" I get that occasionally and it's pretty funny. I think I will strip the Acura emblem soon and the words on the tailights (is that even possible, if so could someone tell me how) to confuse some more people. And it's gives it a cleaner look too.

Lol, it's also funny when I'm coming from the gym and I see a guy with a big ass camera having a photo session with my car. He sees me coming and quickly walks away. I pray I never walk up and see some vandalism though! I think I would have to choke a muthaf***er if I ever caught him in the act. Lol. I think we should all share our quirkiest moments like these.
Thanks David. I guess that was money well spent on the voodoo doll:biggrin: .

N Spec: You're right about the quirky moments. I'm "stuck" driving my garage queen this week while the beater is in the shop, and the neverending onslaught of lookers and photographers just sort of got to me, so I did this post.
Stories -- I guess we all get a million of them. They're actually sort of fun to read, too.
I drive mine everyday, so I think I have begun to tune it all out. But it is fun when people ask what it is and even more fun when they do know what it is and start asking questions. I wish I was as pretty as my car :redface: ......Steve