Not My Car

28 March 2000
Redwood City, CA
Oh Man! He has the same motor swap that I do (of course my valve cover is not rainbow painted). I think My car even feels ill :(
How the hell can people do that to their cars? Then to top it off, once they get out on the street, they think they can beat me and my friends in the NSX, ZO6, S2K, and MR2 T. Sorry to hurt your feeling, you can take that POS somewhere else, because after all you still going home in that junk, and we are driving what. Man, sometime it's hard to ignore these guys, but I have to learn how to let these moron go on their happy way. Perfect way to piss them off is to point at their cars and laugh, that will really piss them off.
Is it a Mercedes? Is it a BMW? Is it a Honda?
No! It's the Crap-Bat-mobile!!! :D

Obviously he couldn't make up his mind what brand car he liked best... (or maybe he didn't like any of them, so he made this! :D)
The problem is not because he is proud of it, there is nothing wrong with that. The problem is that everytime guys like that is out on the street, they try to make a believer out of other people, too. Sorry, chief, ain't going to happen. These cars after all, weren't the dedicated racers that their pro racing brethen at the track are, just disgusting looking.
Sometime, I wonder why there is so many crashes when they are racing. Is it because of the drivers? or is it because the cars weren't design to run at extremely high speed for extended period? or is it because their suspension set up will not allow them to turn like we do in street form? I don't know, just wondering.