Not in my NSX yet but iPad2 installed, now I can see Hannah anytime!

15 October 2003
West coast!
I wanted to share this with you guys just cuz it turned out so nice :biggrin:

Now I can do Facetime with my wifey or I can even run a slideshow of my daughter's pictures while driving. The unit is unlocked for full access by my passenger.

Deck maintains safety and basic functionality while driving underneath:

oh and the unit is removeable (sleeved to the right) but on the NSX it will have to drop in from the top I think:
Which GM truck is that? was this a custom bezel? looks awesome!

The shifter is a dead give-away: Hummer H2 :wink:

thanks guys - I'm planning to do this same project but in my s2000 dash which is going to be a true challenge. I cut a hole in my s2000 dash on my 05 Rio to install a 7" double DIN which was hard but this iPad2 is so much wider so this is going to be a real challenge!