Not an owner but I love this forum!

8 October 2009
Sequim, WA
Hey all! My name is David and I unfortunately do not own a NSX at the moment but look forward to the day when I do purchase one. Instead however, I drive a Viper SRT10. I've been lurking on this site for quite some time and I keep coming back for 2 reasons. The 1st is obviously that I do like NSX's. I love the idea of Honda reliability for an exotic. The 2nd reason is that this forum has provided so much knowledge for me, not just specifically for the NSX but for other applications as well. You guys got me hooked so I figure I mind as well say 'hello' now :biggrin:. Maybe I'll be able to meet some of you in the near future as Summer is starting to peak around the corner :wink:

Here's some pics cuz every forum loves 'em lol




Nice! I always like the body style of the Vipers. You should definitely keep your Viper and purchase an NSX :cool:

+1 :wink: Welcome aboard, this a great site with a lot of knowledgeable people. Come for the car stuff, stay for the people.
Hey Aaron when did u get that supra in your signature?

I picked it up last year; it is one of those cars I could not get out of my mind. I bought my first one in Feb of 1999.

There is a Can-Am dealer near me and I think they use my street as part of the test drive loop. I can sometimes hear them doing burnouts from the stop sign at the end of my street.