Well this morning we took my transmission out of my car to put the Ring & Pinion and short gears in. Wouldn't you know it, the snap ring was SNAPPED. A small portion of the end of it was broken off, but still sitting inside the housing, right by the main part of the snap ring. I ordered all the new parts from the dealer today, to repair it, including the new housing. I'm amazed that I had absolutely no indications that it was broken. Everything was perfectly normal under every driving condition. Oh well, just thought i'd share some woes with you all. Now its back to work. We're almost finished, and tomorrow, i'll have it all back together. I'll post up some pictures of the transmission torn apart, for anyone who cares to see how intricate it is. Happy New Year
1992 NSX
VTEC Forums- The newest online discussion center, for Honda performance.
1992 NSX
VTEC Forums- The newest online discussion center, for Honda performance.