Northeast Events Calendar

I thought this calendar may be a good place to summarize what is going on in the Northeast. Can make it a sticky for now and if no one likes it then we can simply un-stick it and let it age away...:smile:

You need to post with Bags and without Bags so we know in advance!!!:biggrin:
Thx man, good idea.
This is a very good idea. Thanks for taking the initiative and setting it up. One suggestion for folks is to maybe put the state where the event is going to be in the title so that people can zero in on the events near them.
I'm having a problem linking onto the posted events. When I click on the event I'm sent to a Google "corrupted calender page" with no info on it. It indicates that it may be due to a browser issue with my computer, an iMac.

Any ideas?
Unfortunately I don't have access to a Mac, even at work, to give it a try. I found this information on google's calendar pages:

google said:
- Microsoft Internet Explorer (IE) version 6.0 and 7.0 (for Windows)
- Mozilla Firefox version 1.0.7 or later (for Windows, Mac and Linux)
- Apple Safari 2.0.3 and 2.0.4 for Mac OS X 10.4

Note: JavaScript and cookies must be enabled on all browsers.

Also this page about corrupt calendar views:

Perhaps something above may be of help
Thanks for being my social secretary. I used the calender this morning to make sure I had no conflicts while scheduling a birthday dinner for my friend. People with Kaisers seem to function at a much higher level.
New England Air Museum Auto Show

I pm'd Tony D on Fri. to add this to the google calendar, but so far no response so I will post here.

New England Air Museum Auto Show Sun. June 3rd. 10am-2:30pm

There is a discrepancy since the CT Council of Car Clubs site says 10am-3pm, but this shouldn't be too big a deal. Should be a good place to meet for CT & MA guys. This is at Bradley airport (take 91N or 91S depending on where you are coming from), exit 40, follow signs for the Air Museum and Fire training school. There should also be signs that day for the car show.

More info here & here (scroll down to June)

I contacted one of the organizers, it's an open show so we NSXsters are welcome. Apparently the fee also covers admission to the musuem so it's a good deal & a good cause. The CT Council of Car Clubs uses the money to keep old cars from the crushers & legal to own & drive. Hope it doesn't rain that day.

Tony F.

p.s. Other stuff going on in CT (look at cruises & shows)
Re: New England Air Museum Auto Show

I pm'd Tony D on Fri. to add this to the google calendar, but so far no response so I will post here.

TyraNSX (pm) said:
I am waiting to hear back from the contact guy to see if NSXs are welcome. I will let you know what he says. You may want to add some of these to your google calendar if they are NSX friendly.


I didn't respond because you said you were waiting to see if NSX's were welcome, so I figured you were just giving me a heads up and I was waiting to hear from you again since you said you would let me know...

I had a busy weekend and no time to add anything to the calendar until tonight. I added a few of the CT events.. Didn't have the heart to add the truck show :smile:.
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Sorry for my mix-up. At least it's out there now to see if people want to go.