non-NSX: pix for Lambo Anniversary event

9 June 2001
Casa di Rissoto
non-NSX: pix from Lambo Anniversary event

Some pix from the Lambo 40th anniversary event in Sant'Agata --

Event ran this past weekend, including several factory-related activities (visits, track drives, etc), some area events (TSD / fun rallies, concours, etc) and some lifestyle (wine/country tours, etc). A few NSX owners (and ex-owners) were in attendance.

Here are some pix of a Diablo GTR -- factory risotto, s'il vouz plaît :D


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Nice pics... i wonder how many lambos made it through the event without mechanical problems...
NetViper said:
Nice pics... i wonder how many lambos made it through the event without mechanical problems...
Listen carefully. Yes, I hear Allan coming!;)
Haha IM HERE! Someone talking out their a$$ on Lambos i see. First correction on the 2 pics up top. First pic is a Diablo Gt, second is a Diablo Sv.

As for mechanical problems on Lambos, if it makes you feel better at nights, keep thinking that way!
HAHA... allan.. get your avatar back up.. its just not the same without it..