Non-adjustable swaybar set to full soft

Yikes, I bet the car felt very different after that broke. Did you hear something when it happened?

I have the same set of Dali Racing bars in storage. I don't think I will ever use them again. Let me know if you're interested.
Yikes, I bet the car felt very different after that broke. Did you hear something when it happened?

It didn't feel VERY different, but it's a street car so it's never at the limit. Recreational driving at moderate speeds through the mountains around here actually felt better with the broken sway bar.

Made a tremendous bang when it snapped. I was entering a gas-station driveway from the street when it happened, cutting across the ramp as usual to keep from scraping the front lip, and it sounded and felt like the underside of the car had been hit with a concrete baseball bat.
Wow, the loud bang must have been a big surprised. I'm glad it was at slow speed coming into a driveway.