Nominations for 2008 NSXCA Board of Directors

28 March 2002
From the Secretary, NSX Club of America, Inc.

2008 NSXCA Board of Directors Election

The NSXCA Board of Directors is composed of 4 elected officers and 6 regional representatives elected by members of their region. All board members serve 3-year terms. At NSXPO 2008, we will be electing our President and Regional Representatives from the Northwest and Southcentral Regions, for terms ending in 2011. Additionally, the Southwest Region will be electing a new Representative to complete the remainder of the term currently running through 2010. The Secretary will accept nominations until August 1, 2008. Each nomination must be accompanied by a written acceptance from the person nominated. It is the obligation of the person making the nomination to acquire this written acceptance and to send it, or to have it sent to the Club Secretary. Written campaign statements (not to exceed 250 words) will be accepted from the nominees who accept nomination up to August 15, 2008, and will be distributed to Club members, along with ballots and a notice of the Annual Meeting, by August 21, 2008. Mailed and faxed ballots will be accepted until 5:00 PM on September 5, 2008; hand-delivered ballots can be turned in at NSXPO 2008 up until 9:00 PM on September 11, 2008. Results will be announced at the NSXPO 2008 dinner, September 13, 2008.

If you are interested in running for a board position this year or in nominating someone else for a position, please complete the enclosed form and return to the Secretary, NSX Club of America, Inc. The form may be sent by mail, fax or as an email attachment to one of the addresses set out below. Any reasonable rendition of the form is also acceptable. You may nominate yourself to any applicable position. There is no restriction on multiple terms in any board position. REMEMBER, THE NOMINATION MUST INCLUDE OR BE FOLLOWED BY A WRITTEN ACCEPTANCE NO LATER THAN AUGUST 15, 2008

No specific qualifications are required to serve on the Board of Directors, although a 3-year commitment, energy, maturity and enthusiasm are extremely desirable. The Board also benefits by its members having leadership experience and practical business and organizational skills. A brief description of the responsibilities and expectations of the positions up for election this year, as described in the Bylaws, follows.

President: The President of the Corporation shall be the Corporation’s chief executive officer. He or she will preside at all Corporation meetings, including meetings of the Members and of the Board of Directors. His or her title shall also include that of Chairman of the Board where necessary or desirable. He or she will coordinate the affairs of the Corporation. He or she will call meetings as prescribed in these Bylaws. He or she will have general signature authority over all Corporate actions and accounts except where such authority is specifically granted to someone else or is otherwise denied to the office of the President.

Regional Representatives: The regional representatives are the members' spokespeople to the Board of Directors. Each region will be responsible for assigning one regional representative from its regional membership to the Board of Directors. The regional representatives' responsibilities include, but are not limited to, presenting the regional meeting minutes and financial statements to the Board of Directors, notifying the Board of Directors about events and activities, maintaining close contact with the leadership of their region, bringing concerns of their members to the attention of the Board of Directors and communicating and enforcing club policies as they relate to the clubs' regions as specified by the Board of Directors. While not specified in the Bylaws, Regional Representatives are also responsible for administering the Regional Funds allocated by membership. This includes submitting requests and records to the national Treasurer.

2008 NSXCA Board Nomination Form

To nominate someone for a NSXCA Board Position, please complete this form and return to the Secretary, NSX Club of America, Inc., on or before August 1, 2008. You may nominate yourself or any other NSXCA member in good standing. You may make multiple nominations on this form or you may make copies.

Forms may be returned by mail to:
Robert S. Ondrovic
Secretary, NSX Club of America, Inc.
194 Westchester Avenue
Pound Ridge, NY 10576

or by email [email protected]

or by fax to (914) 764-9108

Your Printed Name: __________________________________________________ __________

Your Membership Number (if known): ______________________________________________

Your Region: __________________________________________________

Nomination of President

I hereby nominate _____________________________ for the position of PRESIDENT .

Nomination of Regional Representative

ONLY IF you are in the NORTHWEST, SOUTHCENTRAL or SOUTHWEST regions, you may nominate a member to be your regional representative, otherwise please skip this section. Your nominee must be a member of your region.

I hereby nominate ____________________________________ for the position of Regional Representative for the:

[ ] NORTHWEST [ ] SOUTHCENTRAL [ ]SOUTHWEST Region of the NSX Club of America.

Your Signature: ________________________

Date: ___________________


I hereby accept my nomination for election to be _____________________________________

of the NSX Club of America, Inc. I understand I may submit a campaign statement, not to exceed 250 words, to be included with the ballots.
Nominee's Signature: _______________________________

Date: ___________
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Why can you only nominate if you are in one of those areas? Why can't everyone? Are there only positions for those areas available?

You can only nominate a regional representative in the specific region in which you reside. Just like you can't nominate someone for the governor of New York if you live in California. Those Regional positions are the only Regions up for election this year. The Regional elections rotate years. Any NSXCA member may nominate someone as an Officer.

The Southwest Region will be nominating a Member to complete the remaining two years left of the term of their Representative. The NSXCA thanks Heather Woodall for her commitment over the years and wishes her well with her family which understandably is a priority resulting in her need to step down early. Thanks Heather and best wishes from all of us.

As a result, the Southwest Region is open for Nominations for a term expiring 2010.
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