There are a few things which make a ticking/tapping noise on an engine.
Offcourse the valves is a well known one, but also injectors can be rather noisy, a more ticking then tapping noise.
Another well known, sometimes confusing noise, can be the springs in the clutchplates, typical honda problem, push the clutch in, it should go away.
But very likely you are hearing the lost motion devices, often refered to as LMD's or LMA's (in the Honda partsmanual reffered to as 'lost motion assy').
These things push rocker arm of the Vtec lobe up, when Vtec is NOT engaged. They seem to get a little sticky overtime. Replacing them cures it, but i remember that not to long ago someone posted that a good clean will also work. The problem is though, that it requires taking your camshafts out, a very time consuming job, not easily done by yourself.
Page 6-36 of the service manual describes the testprocedure.