No World Series thread??

15 February 2003
Fort Lauderdale
I didn't get to watch the game live but I taped it and watched the whole thing w/o knowing who won (see thread about my tire situation).

God Blessed those Marlins!!! Holy cow. To win 2 out of 3 at Yankee Stadium and 2 out of 3 at home is amazing!!! Good series, but I must say that I was honestly less than impressed with the bronx bombers.

$50 million dollar team beats $150 million dollar team! Gotta love it!!!

And congrats to the Yanks on a great season as well!
How much DID you pay that Cubs fan???????

He is your teams MVP!! Without him, I dont know if you would have made the trip to the series.:D
ya...:rolleyes: lets not remember that we came back 3 games to 1 to beat you guys. Can you say sore loser?

Oh and lets remember: he was YOUR fan...if it happened at pro player, then its another story.

More so than the fan, i'd be concerned about alex gonzalez's inability to field a double play ball in the clutch.

Typical Cubs fan living in the past.

See ya in another 95 years...:rolleyes:
Brian2by2 said:
ya...:rolleyes: lets not remember that we came back 3 games to 1 to beat you guys. Can you say sore loser?

Oh and lets remember: he was YOUR fan...if it happened at pro player, then its another story.

More so than the fan, i'd be concerned about alex gonzalez's inability to field a double play ball in the clutch.

Typical Cubs fan living in the past.

See ya in another 95 years...:rolleyes:

ummmmm Brian.....if youd care to look at WHERE IM in Southern California....not CHICAGO!! What EVER gave you the idea that I was a cubs fan?????? I can care less if it was chicago or Florida, I was just making a joke about the whole incident :rolleyes:
I am just glad the Yankees lost again, just like last year.
Are the Marlins last years Angels? The huge payroll teams must wonder what it takes now, IMO.
NowSeeX's said:
ummmmm Brian.....if youd care to look at WHERE IM in Southern California....not CHICAGO!! What EVER gave you the idea that I was a cubs fan?????? I can care less if it was chicago or Florida, I was just making a joke about the whole incident :rolleyes:

Hey my bad...I can definetly see the joking aspect, but I assumed ya, i know) for some reason that you were a bitter cubs fan. No harm done...I've heard alot of excuses from cubs fans and Im sick of it! We beat them 3 games in a row, two at wrigley, and then beat the yanks 3 in a row, and twice at yankee stadium, so I definetly FIRMLY believe the marlins are deservingly the best team in baseball.
I agree totally with you there!!! The Marlins played like champs!!! They deserved to win against the cubs and Yankees....they won when they NEEDED to!!
Congrats Marlins!

....Now can we get some help with these fires????
You can hate the Yankees all you want but they'll be back sooner than your California teams will.
Joel said:
I hate the Yankees. I'm glad they lost.

Ah yes, but < infomericial voice > if liked this year's Marlin's then you'll love next year's Yankees! Only 4 easy payments of $$$.... < /infomericial voice >

NSX/MR2 said:
I am just glad the Yankees lost again, just like last year.

Better start getting warmed up for the Yanks in the Series next year too then! ;)

Sorry guys, couldn't resist. Nothing personal I promise. Yankees fan here, but a sentimental part of me loves the Red Sox too. There is no better place to watch a game than Fenway.
This year's playoffs were the most exciting series I've ever seen, and I'm not a fan of any of the contenders. And all the extra drama during LCS for Cubs and Sox just made it even more memorable. I don't remember the last time so many teams went to game 7 and be in some real nail-biters! Poor Cubs/Sox, they were sooooo close, but if baseball wasn't heartbreaking, we wouldn't love it as much, right? The Marlins truly are champs this year and I hope they don't get torn down like last time. Yankees' bats went cold at the end, but you know old George will do what it takes to be back to the dance next year. You know, the Dodgers could sure use a guy like Pudge...
I was disappointed in Giambi. He's been subpoena'd in that nutricious supplements case along with some of the other hulk's of baseball.

He doesn't seem as big as he once was (with the A's) when he had the HUGE season and landed the cover of the EA Sport's game. He was totally unimpressive to me.

I went down to River Front last night and watched the World Series Boat Parade of players end. The players got off the boats and spoke a little, at the center point under the pavillion. Pretty cool.

The high point was seeing that World Series Trophy hoisted in the air as it moved through the crowd.
Bilulan, Did they have a large turnout, is FL jacked up or afraid of another fire sale?
coolnsx said:
Bilulan, Did they have a large turnout, is FL jacked up or afraid of another fire sale?

They gave the champs two parades on the same day, the first one was in Miami down the middle of Little Havana, more than 100,000 people showed up, then later that day they slid into power boats and did the same thing only down the intercoastal waterway in Ft Lauderdale. The team owner stated at the rally that there would be no tearing the team apart this time, unlike back in '97.

they didnt talk much. They were running very late from the Miami traffic. River front was mobbed to say the least. I wore sandles (big mistake) I had 2 bloody toes from being stepped on relentlessly.

The Ft. Lauderdale mayor and a bunch of city commissioners were on hand. They were annoying with the whole we want to build you a stadium in ft lauderdale by the river.

I think it was 'footy' from y100 who did most of the introductions. He was following up the crowd cheers about building a new stadium with....'and we plan to use your (taxpayer) money to pay for it which immediately hushed the crowd! :D

I got there around 4 oclock. the marlins didn't arrive to the docks until almost 7 pm. (about 10 minutes before the sun set :( :mad: :mad:

I stood on a ledge in front of Mezzanote's. You couldn't get any closer or go upstairs because the mob's of fans were so densely populated you physically couldnt get any further than I was.
Brian2by2 said:
No World Series thread??
How come you are ignoring the congratulations I posted here when the Series was over?

As for the role of the Cubs fan in their loss to the Marlin in the NLCS, it goes back to the following post I made in the topic in that link:

Originally posted by nsxtasy
The thing to realize about close calls is this: They only matter when the game is close anyway. If one team played sufficiently better than the other team, a bad call or two would not make a difference in the outcome. So any team that loses as a result of a close call should be blaming itself for letting the game be that close.
Sure, the outcome of the game may have been different if the fan had let the Cubs player catch the ball. But the fan can't be blamed for letting in eight runs after that particular play. A great team will overcome any particular play or close call. And throughout the post-season, the Marlin played like a great team, and the other teams did not. That's why they are the world champions, and why they deserve the congratulations.