If the battery was good to begin with, and the connections are clean, and the altinator is charging at a decent rate, you should have the starter kicking over the car pretty good unless there is something pulling juice from the battery while it sits. If it has an alarm system turned on, it will draw some but ----in two weeks it should still be fine. In fact, a car sitting 2 months with a good battery and no draw down should crank over pretty good. Many times the connections at the battery get oxidized which inhibits the altinator from charging the battery while you run. You then get poor starting and immediately suspect a bad battery which is actually a bad connection. Most decent batteries should last several years with no issues if all else is correct. Only other issue is weather related--extreme cold sucks the life out of batteries and also turns oil into mud which can reduce the engine cranking speed. But--clicking when you turn the key is usually a weak battery and/or poor connection at the battery.