no please

1 November 2004
i am getting no heat what so ever even when the blower motor is on. any thooughts or help?
Couple questions:
Does the air work?
Does the fan work on all speeds?
How is your coolant level gauge acting?
temp gauge is one notch under middle and coolant level is fine. i just replaced a coolant pipe as it looked bad...........could it be air in the system as i did bleed it through the rad for 5 - 10 min. thanks for the replies guys.
I'm guessing air bubble. I've never done it, but I understand that bleeding the system is an involved process that must be done by the book.

nsxrm said:
temp gauge is one notch under middle and coolant level is fine. i just replaced a coolant pipe as it looked bad...........could it be air in the system as i did bleed it through the rad for 5 - 10 min. thanks for the replies guys.
Run the diagnistic on the climate control. It is in the on-line service manual posted here. Page 22-12


On page 22-67 there is a pic on the left side. This shows the water valve. The position it is in, in the pic is closed. For heat you want the pin (lever) in the pic to be all the way towards the front of the car. I am thinking yours may be all the way back as in the pic. This will lead you to the cable controlled by the mode motor and eventually you may need to have your climate control board removed and sent to BrianK for repair:).

If you have the car up to temp and set the climate control to 60 degrees for 2 minutes, then 90 degrees for two minutes you should see the water valve open and close. My guess is yours is stationary. Been there, fixed that:), thanks to BrianK.

nsxrm said:
thanks i will try bleeding the system. thanks for the help guys.

There are 4 bleed valves and they need to be closed in a particular sequence. Then drive and recheck the level. Keep an eye on the coolant level for the next 4 or 5 drives and top up to the max line if it needs it.
It’s all in the manual.


Make sure you bleed the heater core. Its the one up front, straight up from the battery. In an early car, >94, it will be a rubber plug capped pipe with a spring clamp. In later cars, it is same pipe with regular bleeder valve that matches those in rear in appearance. I'm guessing your air is there.
